

The UpdateEvents class implements an object that is used to track events in update unit.

Methods inherited from IMetabaseUpdateUserEvents

  Method name Brief description
OnAskConstraintsHandling The OnAskConstraintsHandling method implements an event that occurs if it is necessary to handle constraint of the data integrity of the object to be updated.
OnAskReflectRights The OnAskReflectRights method implements an event that occurs before updating the permissions to the objects.
OnBeforeApplyUpdate The OnBeforeApplyUpdate method implements an event that occurs after preparation of the objects for updating.
OnBeginUpdate The OnBeginUpdate method implements an event that occurs before updating.
OnEndUpdate The OnEndUpdate method implements an event that occurs after updating.
OnUpdateObject The OnUpdateObject method implements an event that occurs right before updating the repository object.

See also:

Metabase Assembly Classes