
Assembly: Report;


The IPrxControl interface contains properties of a control of a regular report.

Inheritance Hierarchy




Control - an object that is used to manage data displayed in report objects.

To work with the collection of regular report controls, use properties and methods of the IPrxControls interface.


  Property name Brief description
Appearance The Appearance property determines, which report sheets are controlled by the control.
AutoRecalc The AutoRecalc property determines whether the sheet or the report is to be calculated when the control value changes.
Binding The Binding property determines parameters of the editor, which is used to edit values of control.
ControlledBy The ControlledBy property determines a controlling parameter of the regular report.
Dimension The Dimension property determines the controlled dimension.
RecalcOnChange The RecalcOnChange property determines whether the OnChangeControlValue event is to be generated each time when the user changes value in the controls that require manual value entry, so that the control does not get unfocused.
RecalcSliceOnly The RecalcSliceOnly property determines whether visualizers of the slice, which dimension is specified as control dimension, are calculated when the control value changes.
Selection The Selection property returns control selection.
Value The Value property determines the value set in a control.
Width The Width property determines width of a control.


  Property name Brief description
Recreate The Recreate method recreates a control.
SetValueC The SetValueC method sets value of a control and recalculates report.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines an object identifier.
Key The Key property returns the object key.
Name The Name property determines an object name.

See also:

Report Assembly Interfaces