
Assembly: Pivot;


The IPivotTable interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with table data.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with the collection of data table variants, use the IPivotTables interface.


  Property name Brief description
Attachments The Attachments property returns attachments contained in the cell with the specified coordinates.
CanEdit The CanEdit property returns whether a table can be edited.
Cell The Cell property determines a table cell value.
ColumnCount The ColumnCount property returns the number of columns with data in the table.
Coord The Coord property returns coordinate in the data matrix by table row or column index.
CoordByMatrix The CoordByMatrix property returns table row and column index by data matrix coordinate.
DataRights The DataRights property returns access permissions for data of the given cell.
DataType The DataType property returns cell type.
HasAttachments The HasAttachments property returns whether there are attachments for the cell with the specified coordinates.
HasAttachmentsSupport The HasAttachmentsSupport property returns whether one can work with table attachments.
Highlight The Highlight property returns whether data in a cell, which value corresponds to the specified condition, is highlighted.
IsChanged The IsChanged property returns whether changed data is present in the table.
IsChangedCell The IsChangedCell property returns whether changed data exists in the specified table cell.
IsDataChanged The IsDataChanged property returns whether there is changed data by elements included into the specified selection.
IsEditing The IsEditing property returns whether the table is in the edit mode.
IsEvaluatedCell The IsEvaluatedCell property returns whether this cell is calculated one.
IsHighlighted The IsHighlighted property returns whether the data in a cell, which value corresponds to any set condition, is highlighted.
IsStairCell The IsStairCell property returns whether stairs hierarchy.
LeftHeader The LeftHeader property returns parameters of table row headers.
RowCount The RowCount property returns the number of rows with data in the table.
Selection The Selection property returns table selection taking into account filtering.
SupportWriteAttachments The SupportWriteAttachments property returns whether one can work with attachments in the specified cell.
TopHeader The TopHeader property returns parameters of table column headers.


  Method name Brief description
Cancel The Cancel method exits the editing mode without saving made changes.
DropCacheCoord The DropCacheCoord method clears table cell cache.
Edit The Edit method switches the table into the data edit mode.
GetSourceCoord The GetSourceCoord method returns coordinate in the data matrix by table row and column index.
Post The Post method cancels the edit mode and saves changed table data.
PostAttachments The PostAttachments method returns whether the attachments collection is changed in the specified table cell.
PostEx The PostEx method exits the edit mode and saves changed table data with the ability to specify the data that will be excluded.
StartCacheCoord The StartCacheCoord method caches table cells.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces