
Assembly: Ms;


The IMsFormulaTermInfo interface contains properties and methods used to set up term parameters.

Inheritance Hierarchy



  Property name Brief description
Date The Date property returns the date, on which the data will be taken from specified slice of variable, at using this term.
DateParamID The DateParamID property identifies the calendar-point parameter.
DateSlice The DateSlice property determines a data slice used in the calculation with this term.
FormatText The FormatText property returns the name of a term in the specified format.
InversionInfo The InversionInfo property returns parameters of the initial transformation applied to a term.
Lag The Lag property determines the lag value for the term.
Slice The Slice property determines variable slice corresponding to the given term.
TermInnerText The TermInnerText property returns the internal presentation term.
TermScreenedText The TermScreenedText property returns the term name with the escaped characters.
TermText The TermText property returns the name of the term that appears in the list of terms.
TermTransformationMethod The TermTransformationMethod property determines parameters of the term transformation.
Type The Type property determines the term type.


  Method name Brief description
Assign The Assign method sets parameters of the current term in accordance with parameters of a specified term.
CreateTermTransformationMethod The CreateTermTransformationMethod method creates an object that determines term transformation parameters.
ParseTerm The ParseTerm method analyses the internal presentation of the term and sets parameters for the current term in accordance with the obtained settings.
SetDate The SetDate method fixes the date for the term.
SetDateByLevel The SetDateByLevel method fixes date and calendar frequency for expression element.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces