

The MsLinkBehaviour enumeration is used to determine how a link between data source dimension and data consumer dimension works in calculation block or control block.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Default_. Default. The linked data source dimension will contain only those selected elements, which have corresponding selected element in the linked data consumer dimension. If the corresponding element is not found in the data source, a calculation error is displayed.
1 EmptyCoordAsEmptyValue. The empty point if the element is not found. The linked data source dimension will contain only those selected elements, which have corresponding selected element in the linked data consumer dimension. If the corresponding element has not been found in the data source, the Null value is used instead of it in calculation.
2 FilterDestination. Data consumer filtering. The data consumer linked dimension will keep only the selected elements that have a corresponding selected element in the data source linked dimension.

See also:

Ms Assembly Enumerations