

The MsDimSelectionOffsetStartPosition enumeration is used to determine a type of element offset on setting up a link between data source dimension and data consumer dimension in calculation block or control block.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Current. The current element by default. Selection is offset for each selected element obtained by the link.
1 First. The first element. Selection is offset only for the first selected element obtained by the link. Other elements are deselected. If selection by the link is obtained for the elements belonging to different parent elements, the selection is offset only for the first child element in each group of elements belonging to one parent element. Other child elements are deselected.

If this offset type is used, the offset can be only positive or zero.

2 Last. The last element. Selection is offset only for the last selected element obtained by the link. Other elements are deselected. If the selection belonging to different parent elements is obtained by the link, the selection is offset only for the last child element in each group of elements belonging to one parent element. Other child elements are deselected.

If this offset type is used, it can be only negative or zero.

See also:

Ms Assembly Enumerations