
Assembly: Matrix;


The IMatrix interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with a data matrix.

Inheritance Hierarchy





  Property name Brief description
Count The Count property returns the number of matrix cells with values.
CountV The CountV property returns the number of values selected by the specified checkbox.
Dimensions The Dimensions property returns a selection, based on which a data matrix is created. It is relevant if a matrix is based on some data source.
Options The Options property returns value of the flag that is used to determine scale value.
ValueChangeCallback The ValueChangeCallback property determines an object that will be used to monitor value changes in matrix.
ValueCount The ValueCount property returns the number of values available for each matrix coordinate.
ValueFlag The ValueFlag property determines value of the flag that is used to select changed values in a matrix.

Properties inherited from IMatrixModel

  Property name Brief description
DimensionCount The DimensionCount property returns the number of dimensions in a matrix.
Item The Item property determines value of a matrix element in the specified coordinate.
LowerBound The LowerBound property returns the lower limit of matrix dimension.
LowerBoundI The LowerBound property returns the lower limit of matrix dimension.
Source The Source property returns the source matrix, based on which the current matrix was obtained.
Storage The Storage property returns the last non-empty source matrix, based on which the current matrix was obtained.
UpperBound The UpperBound property returns the upper limit of matrix dimension.
UpperBoundI The UpperBound property returns the upper limit of matrix dimension.


  Method name Brief description
ChangeValueFlag The ChangeValueFlag method changes the checkbox that is used to select changed values.
CreateCoord The CreateCoord method creates an object that is a matrix coordinate.
CreateIterator The CreateIterator method creates an iterator that is used to navigate between matrix elements.
CreateSwapInfo The CreateSwapInfo method creates an object that contains information necessary to swap dimensions with matrix data.
SetValueBySelection The SetValueBySelection method sets value for the element defined by selection.
Swap The Swap method swaps dimensions with data in a matrix.
SwapTo The SwapTo method swaps dimensions with data in a matrix.

Methods inherited from IMatrixModel

  Method name Brief description
Clear The Clear method clears matrix elements contents.
CreateFixInfo The CreateFixInfo method creates an object that is required to fix matrix dimensions.
CreateModelCoord The CreateModelCoord method creates an object, which is a matrix coordinate.
CreateModelIterator The CreateModelIterator method creates an iterator that is used to navigate the matrix.
Dereference The Dereference method rebuilds a matrix taking into account fixed dimension elements.
OperationConst The OperationConst method executes mathematical operations between the current matrix and the constant passed by an input parameter.
OperationMatrix The OperationMatrix method executes mathematical operations between the current matrix and the matrix passed by an input parameter.
Rank The Rank method creates a ranking matrix.
Sort The Sort method sorts the matrix.

See also:

Matrix Assembly Interfaces