
Assembly: Fore;


The ForeThread class implements the thread that is used for parallel execution of custom methods.


When a new thread is created, it is connected with the custom method specified in the Create constructor. When the thread is started, the custom method is started for execution. All threads are executed in parallel with each other and with the main application, in which the threads are created.


  Constructor name Brief description
Create The Create constructor creates a thread connected with the specified custom method.

Class object properties inherited from IForeThread

  Property name Brief description
Name The Name property determines a thread name.
State The State property returns the current thread state.

Class object methods inherited from IForeThread

  Method name Brief description
Abort The Abort method stops thread execution.
Join The Join method stops code execution before thread completion.
Sleep The Sleep method pauses thread execution for the specified number of milliseconds.
Start The Start method starts thread for execution.

See also:

Fore Assembly Classes