
Assembly: Fore;


The ForeMethod class implements a custom method.


The class is used for dynamic creation of a custom method based on a Fore procedure/function. After the ForeMethod class instance is created, set the Assembly and Method properties. The obtained custom method can be started using the Invoke method or used to execute in a separate thread in parallel with the main application.

Class object properties inherited from IForeMethod

  Property name Brief description
Params The Params property returns a collection of the custom parameters.
Type The Type property determines a type of the custom method.

Class object properties inherited from IBaseMethod

  Property name Brief description
Assembly The Assembly property determines an identifier of the unit that contains the custom method.
Category The Category property determines a category of the custom method.
Description The Description property determines description of the custom method.
Key The Key property returns the custom method key.
Method The Method property determines a unique identifier of the custom method.
Name The Name property determines a name of the custom method.
ResultType The ResultType property determines a type of the result data that is returned by the custom method.
Tag The Tag property determines any data linked to the method.

Class object methods inherited from IBaseMethod

  Method name Brief description
Bind The Bind method initializes the custom method.
Invoke The Invoke executes the custom method.

See also:

Fore Assembly Classes