
Assembly: Dimensions;


The IDimInstance interface contains properties and methods used to access dictionary data.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Classes of repository objects that support IDimInstance interface:

To get dictionary data, for the corresponding repository object execute the  IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.Open or IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.OpenWithParam  method, and cast the execution result to the IDimInstance type.

When working with MDM dictionaries, when they are opened, values of system attributes and attributes used in unique and non-unique keys are loaded for elements. Values of custom attributes are loaded as soon as they are addressed, using properties and methods of the IDimAttributesInstance, IDimElements interfaces. The IDimAttributesInstance.EnsureValuesLoaded method can be used to load attribute values only for a specific element set. The loaded attributes are saved in memory and used for further work with a dictionary instance, which helps avoid repeated DBMS requests.

If attribute-based access control method is enabled in the repository, both system and custom attribute values are loaded on opening MDM dictionaries, except for imported attributes, attributes allowing for multiple values, and displayed values of linked attributes.

Wider opportunities for working with MDM dictionaries are provided by the IRdsDictionary, IRdsDictionaryInstance interfaces.


  Property name Brief description
The AttributeHierarchies property returns data collection of dictionary alternative hierarchies.
The Attributes property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary attributes' values.
The Blocks property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary blocks.
The BuilderException property returns information on errors that may occur while opening the dictionary.
The DefaultElement property returns the default text index.
The Dimension property returns an object containing dictionary structure.
The Elements property returns a collection of elements of a dictionary instance.
The ElementsByOrder property returns iterator to the dictionary element tree built taking into account custom sorting.
The Ident property returns identifier of a repository dictionary.
The Indexes property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary indexes.

The InstanceModel property returns a general model of dictionary.

The Key property returns key of repository dictionary.
The Levels property returns an object that contains a collection of dictionary elements' levels.
The MetabaseObject property returns dictionary data as repository object data.
The Name property returns name of repository dictionary.
The RootElements property returns an object that contains an array of dictionary elements stored at zero level.


  Method name Brief description
The CreateSelection method creates an object containing dictionary selection.
The NewElement method creates an object that enables to work with a dimension element.
The NewElementsOrderSetup method returns settings of dictionary elements custom sorting.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Interfaces