

UserData: ITsUserData;


The UserData property returns user data related with calculation algorithm.


Executing the example requires that the repository contains a calculation algorithm with the ALGORITHM identifier. The calculation algorithm should contain two calculation blocks and one control block. It is also assumed that there is an empty regular report with the REPORT identifier.

Add links to the Algo, Dimensions, Matrix, Metabase, Report and Transform system assemblies. Add links to the assemblies required for working with calculation algorithms.

Sub UserProc;
    MB: IMetabase;
    MObj: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
    Algo: ICalcObject;
    CalcList: ICalcObjectsList;
    CalcAlgo: ICalcAlgorithm;
    CalcDebug: IAlgorithmCalculationDebug;
    Report, Report1: IPrxReport;
    Result: IAlgorithmCalculationResult;
    Load: IAlgorithmTimeResults;
    TimeResult: IAlgorithmTimeResult;
    Matrix, ValidationMatrix: IMatrixDataSource;
    DimSS: IDimSelectionSet;
    Matr, ValidationMatr: IMatrix;
    Coord: IMatrixCoord;
    pUserData: ITsUserData;
    currentIteration, maxIterations, i: Integer;
    Sec: Double;
    MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
    // Get calculation algorithm
    MObj := MB.ItemById("ALGORITHM");
    // Regular report for subtotals
    Report := MB.ItemByID("REPORT").Edit As IPrxReport;
    Algo := CalcObjectFactory.CreateCalcObject(MObj, True);
    CalcAlgo := Algo As ICalcAlgorithm;
    // Create a list of algorithm objects
    CalcList := CalcAlgo.Items.Clone;
    // Start algorithm debugging
    CalcDebug := CalcAlgo.Debug(CalcList);
    // Go to the next
    // Write result to regular report
    Report1 := CalcDebug.PrxReport(CalcAlgo, CalcAlgo.Items.Item(0));
    (Report As IMetabaseObject).Save;
    // Go to the specified calculation algorithm object
    // The given example displays selecting a calculation object in the list of debugging objects (the list decreases on calculation)
    // Get user data, which is used to start cyclic calculation
    pUserData := CalcDebug.UserData;
    // Set the maximum number of iterations and the current iteration
    pUserData.Data("MAX_ITERATION") := 3;
    pUserData.Data("CURRENT_ITERATION") := 0;
    // Calculate the selected calculation object cyclically N times
    If pUserData.Contains("CURRENT_ITERATION"Then
        currentIteration := pUserData.Data("CURRENT_ITERATION"As Integer;
        maxIterations := pUserData.Data("MAX_ITERATION"As Integer;
        While currentIteration < maxIterations Do
            //View intermediate data
            Matrix := CalcDebug.Matrix((CalcAlgo.Items.Item(1As ICalcBlock).StubOut);
            DimSS := Matrix.CreateDimSelectionSet;
            Matr := Matrix.Execute(DimSS);
            Coord := Matr.CreateCoord;
            For i := 0 To Matr.DimensionCount - 1 Do
                Coord.Item(i) := 0;
            End For;
            // Calculate calculation object again
            currentIteration := currentIteration + 1;
        End While;
    End If;
    // Go to the next calculation object
    // View intermediate data
    ValidationMatrix := CalcDebug.ValidationMatrix((CalcAlgo.Items.Item(2As ICalcValidationBlock).StubOut);
    DimSS := ValidationMatrix.CreateDimSelectionSet;
    For i := 0 To DimSS.Count - 1 Do
    End For;
    ValidationMatr := ValidationMatrix.Execute(DimSS);
    Coord := ValidationMatr.CreateCoord;
    For i := 0 To ValidationMatr.DimensionCount - 1 Do
        Coord.Item(i) := 0;
    End For;
    // Proceed to saving data to database.
    // Check if calculation is finished and display information about data loading
    If CalcDebug.IsFinished = True Then
        Debug.WriteLine("Calculation is finished:");
        // data about calculation results
        Result := CalcDebug.Result;
        Load := Result.Load;
        Debug.WriteLine("Result of loading data sources:");
        TimeResult := Load.Item(0);
        Debug.WriteLine(" Name: " + TimeResult.Name);
        Debug.WriteLine(" Identifier: " + TimeResult.Id);
        Sec := TimeResult.ExecuteMilisecods / 1000;
        Debug.WriteLine(" Loading time: " + Sec.ToString + " sec.");
    End If;
End Sub UserProc;

After executing the example the algorithm calculation, in which the calculation blocks and the control block are to be executed, will be debugged. The result of the first calculation block will be saved to the regular report. The second block will be calculated cyclically four times. The calculation result will be obtained as a matrix, the first matrix value will be displayed in the development environment console. A matrix of intermediate results will be obtained for the control block, and one value will be displayed in the development environment console.

See also:
