

Group: String;


The Group property determines value of the GROUP parameter in binding string.


The GROUP parameter determines identifier of the group of elements that delimits elements available in the editor.

The Group property is available if the GroupDefined property is set to True. If the Group property is changed, the GroupDefined property is automatically set to True.


Function CreateDimComboBinding(Dimension: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor): String;
    BM: IBindingManager;
    DimChildren: IMetabaseObjectDescriptors;
    DimModel: IDimensionModel;
    DimInst: IDimInstance;
    Selection: IDimSelection;
    Group: IDimElementGroup;
    Schema: IDimSelectionSchema;
    RdsDict: IRdsDictionary;
    LvlKey, AttrKey: Integer;
    DimComboBinding: IBindingDimCombo;
    BM := New BindingManager.Create;
    DimModel := Dimension.Bind As IDimensionModel;
    DimChildren := Dimension.Children;
    //Set up parameters
    DimComboBinding := BM.CreateByUi("DimCombo"As IBindingDimCombo;
    //Check if the group of elements of the selection schema is present
    //It is expected that the first child object is a group of elements,
    //the second is the selection schema
    If DimChildren.Count >= 2 Then
        Group := DimChildren.Item(0).Bind As IDimElementGroup;
        Schema := DimChildren.Item(1).Bind As IDimSelectionSchema;
        DimComboBinding.Group := (Group As IMetabaseObject).Id;
        DimComboBinding.Schema := (Schema As IMetabaseObject).Id;
        //Create values from names
        DimInst := Dimension.Open(NullAs IDimInstance;
        Selection := DimInst.CreateSelection;
        Schema.ProcessInplace(Selection, Group);
        DimComboBinding.ValueAttribute := "NAME";
        DimComboBinding.ValueDefined := True;
        DimComboBinding.Value := Selection.ToString;
    End If;
    //Identifiers as the name of level elements if the level exists
    If DimModel.Levels.Count >= 1 Then
        LvlKey := DimModel.Levels.Item(0).Key;
        AttrKey := DimModel.Attributes.Id.Key;
        DimComboBinding.LevelAttribute := "0{" + LvlKey.ToString + "*" + AttrKey.ToString + "}";
    End If;
    DimComboBinding.Object := Dimension.Id;
    //Multiple selection
    DimComboBinding.SelectionMode := SelectionModeEnum.MultiSelect;
    //Template for creating a name on multiple selection
    DimComboBinding.CustomMultiselectText := "Range: %First-%Last";
    Return DimComboBinding.AsString;
End Function CreateDimComboBinding;

This function generates a binding string to use the value editor as a drop-down list of the dictionary. Dictionary description is passed as the Dimension input parameter. Depending on the dictionary structure, the following is set in editor settings: group of elements and selection schema, format of first-level element names. The value in the cell will be formed by means of element names.

See also:
