

The ForeVariantType enumeration contains all basic data type supported in the platform.

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 Unknown. Undefined.
1 Char. Unicode character.
2 String. Character string.
3 Integer. 32-bit signed integers.
4 Double. Double-precision numbers with floating point.
5 Date. Date and time.
6 Boolean. Logical data type.
7 Matrix. Matrix.
8 Object. User-defined object (may contain any data type).
9 NullValue. Empty value.
10 Variant. Variant data type.
11 Decimal. Decimal numbers.
12 Currency. Decimal numbers (for currency calculations).
13 Int64. 64-bit signed integers.
14 Guid. 128-bit unique global identifiers.

See also:

System Assembly Enumerations