

The IDefParameter interface is used to set up data entry form parameter.

Inheritance Hierarchy



Parameter settings can be obtained using properties and methods of the IDefParameters interface.


  Property name Brief description
AdvancedFilters The AdvancedFilters property returns the collection of parameter's advanced filters.
DefaultValueSelection The DefaultValueSelection property returns the selection that determines default values for parameter.
Dictionary The Dictionary property determines a dictionary, based on which a parameter is built.
DimensionInstance The DimensionInstance property returns the opened instance of the dictionary, based on which the parameter is built.
Key The Key property returns the parameter key.
Name The Name property determines a parameter name.
Order The Order property returns the parameter order.
ParametersMap The ParametersMap property returns the settings of parameter links of the dictionary, on which the current data entry form parameter is based.
SelectionType The SelectionType property determines a parameter selection type.
Sheets The Sheets property determines a collection of sheets, which display the parameter.
UseDefaultValue The UseDefaultValue property determines whether the default value is to be used if the parameter selection is empty.


  Method name Brief description
IncludeAllSheets The IncludeAllSheets method enables the use of the parameter on all data entry form sheets.

See also:
