

The IDalCursor interface contains properties and methods that are used to work with the cursor obtained after executing SQL query to database.


A cursor is a cached table obtained after executing SQL query. The cursor supports only forward navigation through data. The cursor cannot be updated, that is, if values in tables were changed at the server, execute SQL query again and create a new cursor to get new data.

Working with the database server imposes a limitation on the number of cursors opened simultaneously that is why it is required to timely close unused cursors using the Close method.


  Property name Brief description
The Fields property returns the collection of fields of the cursor that was received after executing SQL query.
The Command property returns the object that is used to work with the database using SQL queries.


  Method name Brief description
The Close method closes a cursor.
The Eof method returns whether the current record is the last one in the table that was received after executing the command at the database server.
The Next method implements transition to the next record in the table that was received after executing the command at the database server.

See also:

Dal Assembly Interfaces