Setting Up Layout and Formatting

Navigation bar and title bar in business application can be set up in the Layout and Formatting section of the designer of business applications:

  1. Open the selected business application for edit:

  1. Select the panel layout option in the Layout section:

Depending on the selected option, the following will be displayed:

The following formatting settings are available in the designer of business applications:

NOTE. The title bar formatting can also be set up during general formatting setup of designer of business applications using a CSS file. Note that if you connect a CSS file on the Layout and Formatting page, custom formatting will be applied only for the configured business application. If you connect via the DBA.config.json file, custom formatting will be applied for all business applications in the repository.

If required, files loaded for setting up layout and formatting of bars in the designer of business applications, can be used as external event handlers. The external event handler occurs on closing an object included in the business application and is set in the onCloseQuery field in the DBA.config.json file.

Layout and formatting can be set up after executing all steps of business application creation.

After application development is finished, create an update package to install an application new version to another repository.

Setting Up Title Bar Formatting

To set up title bar formatting:

  1. Select the page layout option in the Layout section:

  2. Add title bar formatting files in the JS, CSS, HTM/HTML format in the Load Files area.

NOTE. The loaded files can contain several title formatting options. The option in use can be set in the Set Up Title Bar Formatting area.

  1. Select one of the formatting setup files in the Set Up Title Bar Formatting area and specify title bar height in pixels.

To save the settings:

After executing the operations, business application title bar formatting will be set up.

Setting Up Navigation Bar Formatting

To set up navigation bar formatting:

  1. Select the page layout option in the Layout section:

  1. Select the Show Icons in Navigation Bar checkbox. When the checkbox state is changed, the information dialog box opens informing about changing navigation bar display mode and recommending to check actuality of connected styles files. The checkbox is deselected by default.

After the checkbox is selected, the Formatting group of settings becomes available for the first and the second menu structure levels on the Menu Structure page. If required, use the group to set custom icons of selected elements that should be displayed on the navigation bar. If some elements do not have custom icons, the navigation bar shows default icons for them. For details see the Setting Up Display Parameters for Side Menu Items subsection.

When the Show Icons in Navigation Bar checkbox is selected, the following checkboxes also become available:

When closing a business application, the navigation bar state remains the same. For example, if on closing a business application the navigation bar was collapsed, it remains collapsed on repeated opening a business application.

If the navigation bar is displayed in collapsed form, and size of the window, in which the business application web interface is opened, cannot display all menu items, the navigation bar displays the Down and Up buttons for bar scrolling. The navigation bar can also be scrolled using the mouse wheel.

To access second-level elements when the navigation bar is collapsed, hover the cursor on the icon of the required first-level element, which shows a popup panel with its child elements. Displaying icons of second-level elements on the popup panel depends on the state of the Disable Displaying of Hierarchy Second-Level Icons checkbox.

NOTE. If the Display Icons in Navigation Bar checkbox is not selected, the navigation bar is fully hidden when collapsed.

To save the settings:

After executing the operations, business application navigation bar formatting will be set up.

Examples of displaying navigation bar

Setting Up Formatting of Designer of Business Applications

The following elements can be edited to set up formatting of designer of business applications:

"externalCss":["assets/<CSS file name>.css"]

After executing the operations, custom formatting is set for all business applications in the repository.

Example of setting up formatting by means of a CSS file

"pageMetadataLogo": "assets/design/img/<PNG file name>.png"
"mainMenuLogo": "assets/design/img/<PNG file name>.png"
"mainMenuLogoMini": "assets/design/img/<PNG file name>.png"

NOTE. Custom class icons cannot be edited.

"breadcrumbRootTitle": "<business application tab name>"

See also:

Building Business Application | Creating and Installing Application Updates