

Position: ChartLabelPosition;


The Position property determines data label position relative to a series (column, sector. line and so on).


The ChartLabelPosition enumeration contains positions depending on the series type: there is a set of options for columns and sectors, and another set of options for lines, areas and points.

When placing column labels "At the peak inside" or "At the peak outside" a 1 mm distance is left between column top and the label. When placing column labels "At the base inside", a 1 mm distance is left between the column base and the label.


Executing the example requires a regular report with the bar chart on its sheet. A unit is added to the report, and you can use a hyperlink to call the GetChart procedure from this unit. The inspector of unit assemblies should contain links to the following system assemblies: Chart, Report, Tab.

Sub GetChart;
    chart: IChart;
    objs: ITabObjects;
    objs := (PrxReport.ActiveReport.ActiveSheet As IPrxTable).TabSheet.Objects;
    chart := objs.Item(0).Extension As IChart;
    chart.Series.DisplayLabels := True;
    chart.Series.DefaultLabel.Position := ChartLabelPosition.BaseInside;
End Sub GetChart;

Clicking the hyperlink shows all data labels positioned at the columns' base.

See also:
