Assembly: Chart;
The IChart interface contains properties and methods that are used to determine chart parameters.
Property name | Brief description | |
AxisX | The AxisX property enables the user to specify parameters of the X axis on a chart. | |
AxisXPlacement | The AxisXPlacement property determines whether it is possible to build a chart without indenting from the category axis. | |
AxisY | The AxisY property enables the user to specify parameters of the Y axis on a chart. | |
AxisYSec | The AxisYSec property enables the user to determine parameters of the secondary Y axis on a chart. | |
AxisZ | The AxisZ property returns Z axis parameters on a chart. | |
BubbleInfo | The BubbleInfo property returns bubble chart settings. | |
Caption | The Caption property enables the user to determine chart caption parameters. | |
Changed | The Changed property returns whether the current chart is changed. | |
ChartArea | The ChartArea property enables the user to determine chart area parameters. | |
ChartAsImage | The ChartAsImage property determines whether charts and maps can be displayed in a regular report using the HighChart and MapChart components respectively. | |
CircleInfo | The CircleInfo property enables the user to determine pie chart parameters. | |
CircleInfoEx | The CircleInfoEx property determines parameters of the pie chart with a secondary pie chart or a histogram. | |
Corridors | The Corridors property returns the chart corridors collection. | |
DisplayHistogramm | The Displaybar chartm property determines whether a frequency chart is displayed. | |
DisplayLegend | The DisplayLegend property determines whether the legend is displayed. | |
DisplayMode | The DisplayMode property determines a chart display mode. | |
DisplaySecondaryAxis | The DisplaySecondaryAxis property determines whether a secondary axis is displayed. | |
DisplayVolume3D | The DisplayVolume3D property determines whether a 3D chart type is displayed. | |
DisplayZAxis | The DisplayZAxis property determines whether Z axis is displayed on a chart. | |
EditedSerie | The EditedSerie property determines series index when the By Points or Drawing editing modes are enabled. | |
EnableHyperLinks | The EnableHyperlinks property determines whether chart data series can be displayed as hyperlinks. | |
ExcludeInvisibleSeries | The ExcludeInvisibleSeries property determines whether it is possible to rebuild a pie chart when excluding series via legend. | |
GapWidthCoef | The GapWidthCoef property determines width of gap between bars of a histogram. | |
GraphArea | The GraphArea property enables the user to specify parameters of chart plot area. | |
HistogrammInfo | The HistogrammInfo property enables the user to determine frequency chart parameters. | |
InteractiveMode | The InteractiveMode property determines an interactive mode. | |
IsConnectingLinesVisible | The IsConnectingLinesVisible property determines whether connecting lines of chart columns are displayed. | |
IsDataLinkedDecor | The IsDataLinkedDecor property determines whether series formatting is linked to the data source. | |
IsDirty | The IsDirty property determines whether chart parameters have been changed. | |
Legend | The Legend property determines legend parameters. | |
Orientation | The Orientation property determines a chart orientation. | |
OverlapCoef | The OverlapCoef property determines the width of series overlapping. | |
PointName | The PointName property returns name of a graph point. | |
PointsCount | The PointCount property returns the number of graph points. | |
RoundJoint | The RoundJoint property determines whether corners of chart bars can be rounded. | |
SecondaryGapWidthCoef | The SecondaryGapWidthCoef property determines gap width size of columns built on the secondary axis. | |
SecondaryOverlapCoef | The SecondaryOverlapCoef property determines the overlap size of columns built on the secondary axis. | |
SelectedSeries | The SelectedSeries property returns parameters of the collection of selected data series on the chart. | |
SeparateSecondaryAxis | The SeparateSecondaryAxis property determines whether secondary axis is displayed. | |
Series | The Series property enables the user to specify series parameters. | |
SeriesOrder | The SeriesOrder property determines order of chart series. | |
StockStyle | The StockStyle property determines a stock chart style. | |
Style | The Style property determines a chart scale type. | |
StyleGroup | The StyleGroup property determines parameters of displaying series groups' list. | |
SuppressSpaceTick | The SuppressSpaceTick property determines whether additional tick marks are displayed for skipped ticks. | |
TickLabelSpacing | The TickLabelSpacing property determines the number of categories between scale tick mark labels. | |
TickLabelSpacingAuto | The TickLabelSpacingAuto property determines whether the number of categories between tick mark labels is calculated automatically. | |
Type | The Type property determines a chart type. | |
UndoRedo | The UndoRedo property determines parameters of the undo/redo stack in the chart. | |
UseZeroSubstitution | The UseZeroSubstitution property enables the user to set replacement of missing values with zeroes. | |
UseAutoVisibleZoomScrollbars | The UseAutoVisibleZoomScrollbars property determines whether to display scrollbars for a scaleable chart. | |
UseMarkersThinning | The UseMarkersThinning property determines whether automatic marker thinning is used. |
UseSignatureHint | The UseSignatureHint property determines whether data labels are displayed on the chart as tooltips. |
Volume3DInfo | The Volume3DInfo property enables the user to determine 3D chart parameters. | |
WickOffset | The WickOffset property determines offset of fluctuation interval markers relative to a bar. | |
ZoomMode | The ZoomMode property determines a scale type. |
Method name | Brief description | |
GetNegativeBackground | The GetNegativeBackground method returns fill color for negative chart columns. | |
GetPositiveBackground | The GetPositiveBackground method returns fill color for positive chart columns. | |
GetTotalBackground | The GetTotalBackground method returns fill color for chart total columns. | |
HitTestSeries | The HitTestSeries method enables the user to get a chart series in the specified point. | |
LoadFromJSON | The LoadFromJSON method loads JSON markup from a string variable. | |
LoadFromXml | The LoadFromXml method loads XML markup from a string variable. | |
MakeBlackAndWhite | The MakeBlackAndWhite method enables the user to display a chart in black and white format. | |
Refresh | The Refresh method refreshes the chart on making changes in the dataset of the chart source. | |
ResetDataCache | The ResetDataCache method resets data cache. | |
SaveImageToFile | The SaveImageToFile method enables the user to save chart image to the specified file. | |
SaveToJSON | The SaveToJSON method saves the JSON markup to the string variable. | |
SaveToXml | The SaveToXml method saves the XML markup to the string variable. | |
SaveXAMLToFile | The SaveXAMLToFile method loads a chart to a XAML file (*.xaml). |
See also: