To speed up algorithm calculation:
Make sure that the registry key [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\Debug] does not contain the MsDump parameter or if it exists, it is set to 0. If the parameter is set to 1, 2 or 3, an algorithm is calculated with collecting and output debug info, which affects calculation speed.
Set up multithreaded calculation and determine the optimal number of threads for parallel iteration calculation. Besides, compare initialization stage execution time during multithreaded and single-threaded algorithm calculation.
Set up filtering by data in calculation blocks and control blocks, if the source contains little data.
Set up filtering by attribute links for dimensions of the selected data consumer in calculation blocks and control blocks.
Select the Load Data Separately from the Rest checkbox in the context menu of calculation blocks and control blocks, if several blocks use different selection of the same data source. Separate data loading reduces overall algorithm calculation time.
To speed up source data loading in calculation algorithm:
Select the optimal filtering method of cube dimensions. For example, if calculation uses full dimension selection or the most of elements in large dictionaries is selected, the use of the Get All Data Regardless of Selection method speeds up data loading in calculation algorithm.
Create indexes in tables, based on which cubes are created. Indexing provides quick search and selection of values and also ensures uniqueness of values of specific fields.
To speed up calculation of algorithms used in the Interactive Data Entry Forms tool:
Exclude from calculation algorithm the blocks that are not used in data entry form. If a calculation algorithm is used in several data entry forms, create copies of calculation algorithm for each data entry form with corresponding set of blocks.
Combine the calculation blocks, which use the same data consumer with equal selection.
Select the Selection Intersection calculation area creation type next to the calculation algorithm in the table area wizard on the Calculation Algorithms page, the algorithm is planned to be calculated using only the selection intersection from the algorithm by all dimensions with table area selection.
Deselect the Expand Selection checkbox next to the calculation algorithm in the table area wizard on the Calculation Algorithms page, if it is planned to use data that is not displayed in the data entry form.
See also: