Along with moving a dimension to another layout group and setting up selection, the user can set up aggregation in fixed dimensions on working with data area dimensions.
Multiple selection is available for a fixed dimension with configured aggregation:
In the Dimensions area on the Data Sources and Data Slices panel.
On the Controls panel.
To enable aggregation in fixed dimensions of data area, select the Enable Data Aggregation checkbox in the Dimension Parameters dialog box and select aggregation method in the Method drop-down list.
Depending on the method of enabling aggregation, the following aggregation methods are available in fixed dimensions:
Sum. Elements are summed up.
Minimum. The element with the minimum value is selected.
Maximum. The element with the maximum value is selected.
Number of Non-Empty. The number of non-empty values is determined.
Number of Empty. The number of empty values is determined.
Number of All Children. The number of child elements is determined.
Arithmetic Mean. The mean value is calculated, taking into account empty values.
Actual Mean. The mean is calculated ignoring empty values.
First Actual. The first existing (actual) value is taken.
Last Actual. The last existing (actual) value is taken.
Root-mean-square Deviation Based on Sample. Root-mean-square deviation based on sample is determined.
Median. A median is determined for selected elements.
Root-mean-square Deviation. A root-mean-square deviation is determined for selected elements.
From Source Dimensions. Fixed dimensions use aggregation according to the set aggregation methods of source dimensions. On working with ADOMD cubes, the aggregation set up in the corresponding ADOMD sources is used.
From Source Facts. Fixed dimensions use aggregation according to the set methods of source facts aggregation.
See also:
Managing Data Sources | Setting Up Dimensions | Data Aggregation