To get started, start the Modeling and Forecasting tool and create a new model or open the existing one.
Use the side panel and results panel to edit object parameters and view object characteristics.
To delete the selected object:
Press the DELETE key.
Click the Delete button on the Home ribbon tab.
A confirmation dialog box opens. If the answer is positive, the object is deleted.
NOTE. If the variable used in the missing data treatment method as a pattern series with values, specify the variable that will be used instead of the deleted one.
To resize the object:
Point the mouse cursor on the object border. The mouse pointer should change to a double-headed arrow.
Hold down the main mouse button and stretch or shrink the element to the required size.
To move the object:
Point the mouse cursor to the objects, the cursor changes to a four-headed arrow.
Click the main mouse button and while holding it down drag the object to the required position.
The object is moved.
To move by schema:
Press the Move button on the View ribbon tab. The schema is switched into the moving mode.
Point the mouse cursor to the schema, the cursor changes to a four-headed arrow.
Hold down the main mouse button and move to the required place on the schema.
After the moving, it is possible to work with schema objects without disabling of moving mode.
To disable moving mode, release the Move button on the View ribbon tab. Use scrollbars to move along the schema.
TIP. To quickly switch the schema into the moving mode, press and hold down the SPACE key. This action is identical to pressing the Move button. Releasing the SPACE key disables the moving mode.
To select one object, click it.
To select more objects:
Hold the CTRL key and sequentially click each object, which needs to be selected.
Use the frame for selecting objects:
Determine a group of objects to be selected.
Press and hold down the main mouse button outside the group of objects to be selected.
Start dragging the mouse cursor. A rectangular frame appears.
Move the cursor until all required objects are within the frame.
Release the mouse cursor. All objects fully placed in the frame are selected.
Zooming is available only for the Schema view. The zoom is set to 100% by default.
To change zoom:
Use minimap in the Schema view. The mechanism of zooming using the minimap is given in the Data View Area section.
Hold down the ALT key and scroll the mouse wheel up to zoom in and down to zoom out.
Use the Scale group on the View ribbon tab:
To set custom zoom, use the Zoom box. Available zoom values are within the range from 10% to 200%.
To automatically set zoom value, use the drop-down menu of the Adapt button.
By Window. The window is resized in the way that all objects are displayed in the visible part of the schema.
By Width. The window is resized in the way that the schema is displayed in full width. Upper and lower parts of the schema are not visible.
By Height. The window is resized in the way that the schema is displayed in full height. Side parts of the schema are not visible.
See also:
Web Application Interface Description