Open a calculation chain standard dialog box to organize order of the model calculation.
Parameter |
Description |
IEaxAnalyzer | The express report, for which it is necessary to organize model calculation order. |
IEaxDataAreaSlice | Analytical data area slice. |
All parameters are mandatory.
The command can be used only for express reports.
To execute the example, on the form place the Button, TabSheetBox and UiErAnalyzer components (in the Fore.NET example use the TabSheetBoxNet and UiErAnalyzerNet components) named BUTTON1, TABSHEETBOX1/TABSHEETBOXNET1 and UIERANALYZER1/UIERANALYZERNET1 respectively. In the TabSheetBox/TabSheetBoxNet component set the Source/UiSource property to UiErAnalyzer1/UiErAnalyzerNet1. There should be an express report with the calculated element specified as the Object property for the UiErAnalyzer/UiErAnalyzerNet component.
Add links to the Express, Tab, Ui and Pivot (for Fore.NET example) system assemblies.
Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
Express: IEaxAnalyzer;
Data: Array;
Grid: IEaxGrid;
Slice: IEaxDataAreaSlice;
Context: IUiCommandExecutionContext;
Target: IUiCommandTarget;
//Get express report
Express := UiErAnalyzer1.ErAnalyzer;
//Get express report table
Grid := Express.Grid;
//Get data slice
Slice := Grid.Slice;
//Specify necessary array elements
Data := New Variant[2];
Data[0] := Express;
Data[1] := Slice;
//Open obtained express report for view
Target := WinApplication.Instance.GetPluginTarget("Express");
Context := Target.CreateExecutionContext;
Context.Data := Data;
Target.Execute("ShowCalcChainDialog", Context);
End Sub Button1OnClick;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Express;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Pivot;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab;
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ui;
Private Sub button1_Click(sender: System.Object; e: System.EventArgs);
Express: IEaxAnalyzer;
Data: Array;
Grid: IEaxGrid;
Slice: IEaxDataAreaSlice;
Context: IUiCommandExecutionContext;
Target: IUiCommandTarget;
WinApp: WinApplication = New WinApplicationClass_2();
Express := UiErAnalyzerNet1.ErAnalyzer.ErAnalyzer;
Grid := Express.Grid;
Slice := grid.Slice;
Data := New Object[2];
Data[0] := Express;
Data[1] := Slice;
Target := WinApp.GetPluginTarget("Express");
Context := Target.CreateExecutionContext();
Context.Data := Data;
Target.Execute("ShowCalcChainDialog", Context, Null);
End Sub;
As a result, clicking the Button1 button displays calculation chain dialog box:
See also: