
Fore Syntax

FixEmfLines: Boolean;

Fore.NET Syntax

FixEmfLines: System.Boolean;


The FixEmfLines property determines the type of the metafile created at export.


If FixEmfLines is set to True, the type of created metafile is the EmfTypeEmfOnly, otherwise it is the EmfTypeEmfPlusDual. The metafile type affects the dashed lines type exported to the EMF. On opening the metafile in the EmfTypeEmfPlusDual format in Adobe Illustrator CS5 problems appear (illustrator flaw), on using the EmfTypeEmfOnly format the file opens correctly. The metafile optional settings type is determined by that.

The default value is True.

The property is outdated, use ITabSheetExporter.EmfType.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for IPrxReportExporter.FixEmfLines.

See also:
