
Fore Syntax

EmptyValuesTreatmentType: TabEmptyValuesTreatmentType;

Fore.NET Syntax

EmptyValuesTreatmentType: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Tab.TabEmptyValuesTreatmentType;


The EmptyValuesTreatmentType property returns the action to be performed on  indicating errors for formulas with links to empty cells.


The property is outdated, use the ITabErrorCheckingOptions.EmptyValuesTreatmentType property instead.

By default the property is set to the AsZeroWithInfo, and errors are indicated if the formula refers to an empty cell. The cell with formula contains an indicator which looks as a colored triangle located at the left top corner, and the empty value is replaced with 0.

The action made during indicating errors can be changed only by the interface in the dialog box of Formulas. After the change in the dialog box is made, the new value is saved in user registry. The new value is further used for all regular reports and user forms. If the property is used in forms to determine an action during error indicating, the selected value is saved until the first form is calculated.

Fore and Fore.NET Examples

The property use is given in the example for  IPrxReportOptions.EnableEmptyValuesTreatment

See also:
