The TabCursor enumeration contains cursors that may be displayed on mouse over.
It is used by the following properties and methods:
Value | Description |
-1 | Undefined. Cursor undefined. |
0 | StdAppStarting. Background mode. |
1 | StdArrow. Basic mode. |
2 | StdCross. Graphic selection. |
3 | Hand. Select link. |
4 | StdHelp. Select Help. |
5 | StdNo. Operation impossible. |
6 | StdSizeAll. Move. |
7 | StdSizeNESW. Resize by diagonal 2. |
8 | StdSizeNS. Change vertical size. |
9 | StdSizeNWSE. Resize by diagonal 1. |
10 | StdSizeWE. Change horizontal size. |
11 | StdUpArrow. Special selection. |
12 | StdWait. System unavailable. |
13 | SelectRow. Select row. |
14 | DragCopy. Copy data using the mouse. |
15 | DragMove. Move data using the mouse. |
16 | HandMove. Move visible document area. |
17 | HandMovig. Move over the document. |
18 | ResizeColumn. Resize column. |
19 | ResizeRow. Resize row. |
20 | ResizeScroll. Scroll document. |
21 | ScrollDown. Scroll document down. |
22 | ScrollDownLeft. Scroll document to the bottom left corner. |
23 | ScrollDownRight. Scroll document to the bottom right corner. |
24 | ScrollLeft. Scroll to left. |
25 | ScrollRight. Scroll to right. |
26 | ScrollUp. Scroll document up. |
27 | ScrollUpLeft. Scroll document to the top left corner. |
28 | ScrollUpRight. Scroll document to the top right corner. |
29 | SelectCell. Select cell. |
30 | SelectColumn. Select column. |
31 | ShowColumn. Show hidden column. |
32 | ShowRow. Show hidden row. |
38 | StdIbeam. Highlight text. |
39 | StdHand. Select link. |
See also: