Parameter2: Double;
The Parameter2 property determines the value of the parameter 2.If parameter value is not specified (value 1#.QNAN), it is to be calculated. See below correspondence of parameter 2 to distribution parameters and value constraints:
Distribution | Parameter 2 value | Value constraints |
Normal distribution | σ2 | σ2 ≥ 0 |
Uniform distribution | b | Parameter1 < b |
Gamma distribution | b | b > 0 |
Beta distribution | b | 0<b≤ 10^6 |
Binomial distribution | p | 0 ≤ p ≤ 1 Parameter1*p*(1-p)≤10^6 Parameter1 < 1/e, where e is the machine accuracy |
Exponential distribution | - | - |
Poisson distribution | - | - |
The property use is given in the example for ISmKolmogorovSmirnovTest.D.
See also: