The following classes exist within the Stat assembly:
Class | Brief description | |
The QRegStatistics class determines quantile regression characteristics. | ||
The Sm2SLS class implements the instrumental variables method to estimate linear regression coefficients. | ||
The SmARCHTest class is used to work with parameters of the ARCH test for heteroscedasticity. | ||
Outdated. The SmArima class implements algorithm of statistics method ARIMA. | ||
The SmAssociationRules class is used for data mining using the Association Analysis method. | ||
The SmAugmentDickeyFullerTest class is used to work with parameters of the Dickey-Fuller augmented test. | ||
The SmAutoCorrelation class implements algorithm of the autocorrelation analysis. | ||
The SmAutoRegress class implements autoregression algorithm. | ||
The SmBackPropagation class is used for data mining using the Backpropagation Network method. | ||
The SmBandpassFilter class implements the Baxter-King algorithm. | ||
The SmBetaDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from beta distribution with selected parameters. | ||
The SmBinaryModel class implements the binary regression algorithm. | ||
The SmBinning class is used to work with the Binning procedure. | ||
The SmBinomialDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from discrete binomial distribution with selected parameters. | ||
The SmBoxConstrainedOptimization class is used to work with optimization parameters of random type function. | ||
The SmBreuschPaganGodfreyTest class is used to work with parameters of the Breusch-Pagan-Godfrey test for heteroscedasticity. | ||
The SmBreuschPaganTest class is used to work with parameters of the Breusch-Pagan test. | ||
The SmCART class is used to cope with classification tasks using binary tree building. | ||
The SmCauchyDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from the Cauchy distribution with selected location parameter (median) and scale parameter. | ||
The SmCensoredTruncatedRegression class is used to estimate linear regression with truncated or censored data. | ||
The SmCensus1 class implements the Census I method that decomposes a source series into a seasonal, trend-cycle and irregular components. | ||
The SmCensus2 class implements the X11 method which is an improved version of the seasonal decomposition and adjustment method called Census I. | ||
The SmChi2Distribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from χ2 (chi-square) distribution with selected number of degrees of freedom. | ||
The SmChowTest class implements algorithm of the Chow test for the presence of structural changes. | ||
The SmCointegratingRegression class is used to work with cointegration regression. | ||
The SmCointegrationEq class implements algorithm of the error correction method. | ||
The SmCurveEstimation class implements algorithm of dependence form selection. | ||
The SmDecisionTree class is used to substitute missing data in series values using a decision tree. | ||
The SmDerivative class is designed to calculate derivatives. | ||
The SmDickeyFullerGLSTest class is used to work with parameters of the Dickey-Fuller generalized test. | ||
The SmDiscriminantAnalysis class is used for data mining using the Discriminatory Analysis method. | ||
The SmElliotRothenbergStockTest class is used to work with parameters of the Elliot-Rothenberg-Stock test. | ||
The SmEngleGrangerTest class is used to work with parameters of the Engle-Granger test. | ||
The SmErrorCorrectionModel class implements algorithm of error correction model (ECM) calculation. | ||
The SmExponentialDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from exponential distribution with selected expected value. | ||
The SmExponentialSmoothing class implements exponential smoothing algorithm. | ||
The SmFillGapsProcedure class implements algorithm of missing data treatment in data series. | ||
The SmFisherDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from the Fisher distribution with two selected degrees of freedom. | ||
The SmFisherTest class implements the Fisher test algorithm. | ||
The SmGammaDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from gamma distribution with selected shape and scale parameters. | ||
The SmGARCH class implements algorithm of the generalized autoregressive conditionally heteroscedastic model (GARCH model). | ||
The SmGeneralizedExtremeValueDistribution class estimates parameters of distribution of extreme values using the method of maximum likelihood. | ||
The SmGeneralizedParetoDistribution class estimates parameters of the generalized Pareto distribution using the method of maximum likelihood. | ||
The SmGeometricExtrapolation class implements algorithm of geometric extrapolation. | ||
The SmGradientBoostedTree class is used to set up parameters of gradient boosting calculation. | ||
The SmGrangerTest class implements the Granger test algorithm. | ||
The SmGreyForecast class implements Grey forecast algorithm. | ||
The SmHierarchicalClusterAnalysis class implements algorithm of hierarchical cluster analysis. | ||
The SmHighlightExceptions class is used for data mining using the Exception Search method. | ||
The SmHodrickPrescottFilter class implements algorithm of the Hodrick-Prescott filter. | ||
The SmHyperGeometricDistribution class enables user to generate (based on selected parameters) a sample of pseudo-random numbers from discrete hypergeometric distribution of the number of "successes" in a sample from a finite population that contains "successful elements" ("successes"). | ||
The SmJohansenTest class implements the Johansen test algorithm. | ||
The SmKmeansClusterAnalysis class implements algorithm for clustering using the k-means method. | ||
The SmKolmogorovSmirnovTest class implements algorithm of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. | ||
The ISmKwiatkowskiPhillipsSchmidtShinTest interface is used to work with parameters of the Kwiatkowski-Phillips-Schmidt-Shin test. | ||
The SmLIML class is used to work with the maximum likelihood method with limited information and K-class estimation method. | ||
The SmLinearEquations class implements algorithm of solving linear equation system. | ||
The SmLinearProgramming class implements linear programming algorithm (the Simplex method). | ||
The SmLinearRegress class implements algorithm of the linear regression method. | ||
The SmLogisticDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from logistic distribution with selected location parameter (median) and scale parameter. | ||
The SmLogisticRegression class is used for data mining using the Logistic Regression method. | ||
The SmLogNormalDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from lognormal distribution with selected expected value and variance. | ||
The SmLongRunCovariance class is used to work with long-run covariance. | ||
The SmLRXFilter class implements algorithm of LRX filter. | ||
The SmMarkovSwitchingGARCH class is used to work with MS-GARCH model (Markov switching GARCH) with one variable parameter: average variance value. | ||
The SmMedianSmoothing class implements algorithm of median smoothing. | ||
The SmMultiNormalDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from multivariate normal distribution. | ||
The SmNaiveBayes class is used to detect key influencers using the naive Bayes classifier. | ||
The ISmNgPerronTest class is used to work with parameters of the Ng-Perron test. | ||
The SmNonLinearEquations class implements algorithm of non-linear equation system. | ||
The SmNonLinearLeastSquare class implements algorithm of the non-linear least squares method. | ||
The SmNonLinearOptimization class implements algorithm of optimization for an arbitrary function under non-linear constraints. | ||
The SmNormalDistribution class enables the user to generate vector of pseudo-random numbers based on normal distribution with selected average of distribution (expected value) and variance. | ||
The SmOmittedVariablesTest class implements algorithm of omitted variables test. | ||
The SmPairCorrelation class implements algorithm for calculating paired correlation coefficients. | ||
The SmParetoDistribution class implements algorithm of the Pareto distribution. | ||
The SmPartialCorrelation class implements algorithm for calculating partial coefficients of correlation. | ||
The SmPhilipsOuliarisTest class is used to work with parameters of the Phillips-Ouliaris test. | ||
The SmPhilipsPerronTest class is used to work with parameters of the Phillips-Perron test. | ||
The SmPoissonDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random integer numbers from the discrete Poisson distribution with specified intensity of events. | ||
The SmPooledModel class implements algorithm of Panel Data Regression. | ||
The SmPrincipalComponentAnalysis class implements algorithm of the principal components method. | ||
The SmQPortions class implements algorithm used to calculate median, quartiles, percentiles and deciles. | ||
The SmQuadraticProgramming class implements a task of Quadratic Programming. | ||
The SmQuantileRegression class implements the quantile regression method. | ||
The SmR class is used for integration with R. | ||
The SmRamseyRESSETTest class implements algorithm of the RESET test, that is the test that finds errors in specification of linear regression model (Functional form criterion). | ||
The ISmRandomForest interface is used to work with the Random Forest decision tree ensemble. | ||
The SmRedundantVariablesTest class implements algorithm of test for redundant variables. | ||
The SmRManager class is used to set the patch to the installed and integrated with Foresight. Analytics Platform R package. | ||
The ISmRollingRegression class is used to work with parameters of moving regression. | ||
The SmSelfOrganizingMap class is used for data clustering using self-organizing Kohonen maps. | ||
The SmSerialCorrelationLMTest class implements algorithm of test for autocorrelation of linear regression model residuals. | ||
The SmSimultaneousSystem class implements algorithm for solving simultaneous equation system. | ||
The SmSingularSpectrumAnalysis class is used to perform singular spectrum analysis of time series. | ||
TheSmSlideSmoothing class implements moving average algorithm. | ||
The SmStudentDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from the Student's distribution with selected number of degrees of freedom. | ||
The SmUniformDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from continuous uniform distribution at the range [a, b]. | ||
The SmUnivariateSpectrumAnalysis class implements spectral analysis algorithm. | ||
The SmVarianceAnalysis class implements variance analysis algorithm. | ||
The SmVectorAutoRegress class implements algorithm for vector autoregression calculation or for impulse response function calculation. | ||
The SmWeibullDistribution class enables the user to generate a sample of pseudo-random numbers from the two-parameter Weibull distribution with selected shape and scale parameters. | ||
The SmWhiteHeteroskedasticityTest class implements algorithm of the White test for heteroskedasticity of linear regression model residuals. | ||
The ISmx12arima class is used to work with the X12 method of seasonal adjustments. | ||
The Statistics class implements algorithm of statistical functions. |
See also:
Stat Assembly Interfaces | Stat Assembly Enumerations | Examples