
Assembly: Net;

Namespace: None;


The INetHttpCommand interface is used to set up parameters of work with network resource by HTTP protocol.

Inheritance Hierarchy



On executing the Connect method, the connection with network resource is established and context to work with it is returned. To set up work parameters, cast the Connect method result to the INetHttpCommand interface.


  Property name Brief description
The AcceptLanguage property sets preferred server response languages to the request.
The Command property determines type of command that will be sent to network resource.
The ConnectionTimeout property determines connection timeout of GET request.
The ContentType property returns contents type obtained after executing the request.
The Credential property returns credentials that are used to identify the user in network resource.
The Headers property returns collection where the list of additional headers is created.
The OuterBody property determines whether results are obtained in request body.
The SOAPAction property determines the SOAPAction header that is sent with request.
The Timeout property determines timeout of GET request.

See also:

Net Assembly Interfaces