
Assembly: Net

Namespace: None;


The CurlMailMessage class implements email message instance.


The class is a cross-platform implementation of the NetMailMessage class. Macros implemented using the CurlMailAddress class can be started for execution in Linux family operating systems.


  Constructor name Brief description
The CreateWithFromAndTo constructor creates an instance of email message for specified sender and recipient addresses.

Properties inherited from INetMailMessage

  Property name Brief description
The Attachments property returns the attachments collection sent with an email message.
The Bcc property returns the collection of the email addresses, to which the blind copy of email message is sent.
The Body property determines an email message text.
The BodyEncoding property determines the code page used for message body encoding.
The CC property returns the collection of the email addresses, to which the copy of email message is sent.
The From_ property determines a sender email address.
The IsBodyHtml property determines whether the message is sent in HTML format.
The Priority property determines the priority of the email message.
The ReplyTo property determines the address, to which the message reply is sent.
The Sender property determines the address, to which the email server notification is sent in case of message delivery failure.
The Subject property determines the email message subject header.
The SubjectEncoding property determines the code page used for message subject header encoding.
The To_ property returns the email addresses collection of recipients.

See also:

Net Assembly Classes