

The <ProceduralDelegate> protocol is used to work with report viewer delegate.

Supported Protocols



addBookmark. Adds a bookmark for the current regular report document page.

addNote:withText:timestamp:. Adds a note to the current regular report document.

bookmarkAtIndex:. Returns the specified bookmark from the current regular report document.

bookmarksCount. Returns the number of bookmarks in the current regular report document.

cancelNote. Cancels changing of note in the current regular report document.

currentDocumentIndex. Returns index of the current regular report document.

currentPage. Returns index of the current regular report document page.

documentNameAtIndex:. Returns name of the specified regular report document.

documentsCount. Returns the number of regular report documents.

editNoteAtIndex:point:text:timestamp:. Changes specified selection in the current regular report document.

jumpToPage:. Scrolls the current regular report document to the specified page.

noteByIndex:. Returns note by its index in the array of notes of the current regular report document.

notesCount. Returns the number of notes in the current regular report document.

openBookmark:. Opens the specified bookmark in the current regular report document.

openDocumentAtIndex:. Opens the specified regular report document.

openNoteAtIndex:. Opens specified bookmark of the current regular report document for edit.

pagesCount. Returns the number of pages in the current regular report document.

removeBookmarkWithIndex:. Removes the specified bookmark from the current regular report document.

removeNoteWithIndex:. Removes the specified note from the current regular report document.

searchFinished. Called on ending of search in the current regular report document.

searchResultsCount. Returns the number of search results in the current regular report document.

urlForCurrentDocument. Returns URL of the current regular report document.

See also:

Protocols. The Mobile Application Component