Value: Variant;
The Value property determines the record value.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a time series database with the OBJ_FC identifier.The time series database must contain a factor with the key 1.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
RubDesc: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
RubrIn: IRubricatorInstance;
FactD: IRubricatorFactData;
Record: IRubricatorRecord;
DataMember: IMetaDataMember;
a: Array;
i: Integer;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
RubDesc := MB.ItemById("OBJ_FC");
RubrIn := RubDesc.Open(Null) As IRubricatorInstance;
FactD := RubrIn.GetFactData(1);
Record := FactD As IRubricatorRecord;
DataMember := Record.Record As IMetaDataMember;
a := DataMember.Value As Array;
If a <> Null Then
For i := 0 To a.Length - 1 Do
Debug.WriteLine(a[i] As String);
End For;
End If;
End Sub Main;
After executing the example data of a record of a system table, that contains information about a factor with the key 1, are displayed in the console window.
See also: