
Assembly: Pivot;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Pivot;


The IPivotDimensionLevelPropertiesCommon interface is used to work with basic properties of dimension level.

Inheritance Hierarchy



This interface is basic for the following interfaces:


  Property name Brief description
ChildrenBeforeParents The ChildrenBeforeParents property determines whether to place child elements of hierarchy before parent ones.
CollapseChildren The CollapseChildren property determines whether dimension(s) child elements will be collapsed on creating a table.
DuplicateParent The DuplicateParent property determines whether level elements are repeated for child ones.
IsChildrenBeforeParents The IsChildrenBeforeParents property returns whether child elements of hierarchy are placed before parent ones.
IsCollapseChildren The IsCollapseChildren property returns whether dimension child elements are collapsed.
IsDuplicateParent The IsDuplicateParent property returns whether level elements are repeated for child ones.
IsSeparated The IsSeparated property returns whether level elements are placed in separate columns.
Separated The Separated property determines whether level elements are placed in separate columns.

See also:

Pivot Assembly Interfaces