Type: MsVariableTestType;
Type: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms.MsVariableTestType;
The Type property returns descriptive statistic type.
To set up statistic calculation parameters, use the IMsVariableTest.Settings property.
The example is the function which calculates the descriptive statistic and returns calculation results. Input parameter of the function: Test is the object used to calculate descriptive statistic.
To execute the example, add a link to the Ms system assembly.
Function VariableTest(Test: IMsVariableTest): IMsVariableTestResults;
DF: IMsDFTestSettings;
Johansen: IMsJohansenTestSettings;
Granger: IMsGrangerTestSettings;
PairCorr: IMsPairCorrelationTestSettings;
Select Case Test.Type
Case MsVariableTestType.DF:
DF := Test.Settings As IMsDFTestSettings;
DF.AutoRegressionOrder := 2;
Debug.WriteLine("Augmented Dickey-Fuller test");
Case MsVariableTestType.Granger:
Granger := Test.Settings As IMsGrangerTestSettings;
Granger.ConfidenceLevel := 0.1;
Debug.WriteLine("Granger test");
Case MsVariableTestType.Johansen:
Johansen := Test.Settings As IMsJohansenTestSettings;
Johansen.AutoRegressionOrder := "2";
Debug.WriteLine("Johansen test");
Case MsVariableTestType.PairCorrelation:
PairCorr := Test.Settings As IMsPairCorrelationTestSettings;
PairCorr.BalancedSample := False;
Debug.WriteLine("Paired correlation coefficients");
End Select;
Return Test.Execute;
End Function VariableTest;
Example execution result: parameters of descriptive statistic are changed, it is calculated, and the name of the calculated statistic is displayed in the console window. Calculation results are returned to the user.
The requirements and result of the Fore.NET example execution match with those in the Fore example.
Imports Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;
Public Shared Function VariableTest(Test: IMsVariableTest): IMsVariableTestResults;
DF: IMsDFTestSettings;
Johansen: IMsJohansenTestSettings;
Granger: IMsGrangerTestSettings;
PairCorr: IMsPairCorrelationTestSettings;
Select Case Test.Type
Case MsVariableTestType.mvttDF:
DF := Test.Settings As IMsDFTestSettings;
DF.AutoRegressionOrder := 2;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Augmented Dickey-Fuller test");
Case MsVariableTestType.mvttGranger:
Granger := Test.Settings As IMsGrangerTestSettings;
Granger.ConfidenceLevel := 0.1;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Granger test");
Case MsVariableTestType.mvttJohansen:
Johansen := Test.Settings As IMsJohansenTestSettings;
Johansen.AutoRegressionOrder := "2";
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Johansen test");
Case MsVariableTestType.mvttPairCorrelation:
PairCorr := Test.Settings As IMsPairCorrelationTestSettings;
PairCorr.BalancedSample := False;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Paired correlation coefficients");
End Select;
Return Test.Execute();
End Function VariableTest;
See also: