
Assembly: Ms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;


The IMsModel interface contains properties and methods of the Model modeling container object.

Inheritance Hierarchy






A model is used to calculate output variables by performing transformations on input variables using statistical and mathematical methods. Calculations are made taking into account the calendar frequency of the model (years, half-years, quarters, months and days).


  Property name Brief description
The AttributeFormulasList property returns the collection of methods for calculating additional attributes by formulas.
The AutoName property determines whether to generate the model name automatically.
The CalculationPeriod property determines formula actual period.
The Chart property returns a model chart.
Outdated. Use IMsModel.Period.
Outdated. Use IMsModel.Period.
Outdated. Use IMsModel.Period.
Outdated. Use IMsModel.Period.
Outdated. Use Transform.Inputs.
The IsExclusive property determines whether the model is internal for the calculation chain.
Outdated. Use Transform.Kind.
Outdated. Use Transform.Outputs.
Outdated. Use Transform.OutputPeriod.
Outdated. Use Transform.Period.
The SaveZeros property determines whether zero values obtained on model calculation should be saved.
Outdated. Use Transform.Series.
The Stochastic property returns True if the stochastic methods are used for model calculation.
The Transform property returns an object that enables the user to set up model parameters.
The TreatNullsAsZeros property determines whether to replace empty values with zeroes on model calculation.
The UseAutoPeriod property returns whether conditions are used to calculate start and end dates for sample and forecasting periods.
The UseExistingData property determines whether all actual data of input variables is used on model calculation.
The UseModelPeriod property determines whether model sample and forecasting periods should be used on problem calculation.

Properties inherited from IValidationFilterModel

  Property name Brief description
The Settings property returns validation settings.

Properties inherited from IVirtualMetaObject

  Property name Brief description
The Description property determines object description.
The MetabaseObject property determines a repository object that stores an object.

Properties inherited from INamedEntity

  Property name Brief description
Id The Id property determines the object identifier.
Key The Key property returns the object key.
Name The Name property determines the object name.


  Method name Brief description
The CreateCalculation method creates an object that contains settings required for model calculation.
The CreateStringGenerator method creates generator of string model view.
The Execute method executes the model.
The ReplaceOutputVariable method replaces output variable.
The RestoreLaner method restores workspace of time series database from a model.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces