
Assembly: Ms;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Ms;


The IMsDFTestSettings interface is used to set up parameters of calculation of the augmented Dickey-Fuller test.

Inheritance Hierarchy




The augmented Dickey-Fuller test is the tool for checking the stationarity of the time series.

To get parameters of test calculation, cast the value returned by the IMsVariableTest.Settings property to the IMsDFTestSettings interface.


  Property name Brief description
The AutoRegressionOrder property determines autoregression order.
The EquationType property determines the type of the model that is used to calculate the test.
The TestedSeries property determines a method of series differentiation.

Properties inherited from IMsVariableTestSettings

  Property name Brief description
The EndDate property determines the end point of calculation.
The IncludedSources property returns the collection of variables, for which the descriptive statistic is calculated.
The MissingData property returns missing data treatment parameters.
The StartDate property determines the start point of calculation.
The SupportsR property determines whether descriptive statistic can be calculated by means of R.
The UseR property determines whether R connection is used on descriptive statistic calculation.

See also:

Ms Assembly Interfaces | Library of methods and models: Dickey-Fuller Test