The Modelling class contains methods used for transformation of variables.
Method name | Brief description | |
Abs | The Abs method returns absolute value (modulus) of selected variable points. | |
AbsI | The AbsI method returns absolute value (modulus) of selected variable points, if this variable contains only integer values. | |
Arima | The Arima method models variable value by the ARIMA method. | |
ArimaR | The ArimaR method models variable values with the ARIMA method using the R package. | |
ASCII | The ASCII method returns ASCII code for the first string character. | |
AutoTrend | The AutoTrend method selects optimal trend for the variable in the specified period. | |
Average | The Average method returns average value of selected variable points. | |
AverageI | The AverageI method returns the mean value of selected variable points, if this variable contains only integer values. | |
Bpf | The Bpf method models variable values using the Baxter-King filter. | |
BpfR | The BpfR method models variable values using the Baxter-King method using the R package. | |
Census1 | The Census1 method calculates seasonal component according to the specified parameters. | |
Char | The Char method returns a character that corresponds to the specified ASCII code. | |
Coalesce | The Coalesce method returns a series, each point of which is calculated as the first met value from specified series that is not equal to Null. | |
Collapse | The Collapse method aggregates variable values. | |
Combine | The Combine method returns the series containing source series data for the sample period and forecasting series data for the forecasting period. | |
Contains | The Contains method returns whether a source string contains a searched substring. | |
Cos | The Cos method returns cosine of selected variable points. | |
Cumulative | The Cumulative method transforms variable using selected cumulative method. | |
CumulativeYTD | The CumulativeYTD method transforms variable by applying the specified cumulative method to the start of the year. | |
DateSeries | The DateSeries method returns the current date value for each series point depending on the specified calculation periods. | |
Default_ | The Default_ method returns Null. | |
Diff | The Diff method calculates increment of variable points in comparison with previous period. | |
DiffX | The DiffX method calculates increment of variable points in comparison with the selected period. | |
DiffY | The DiffY method calculates increment of variable points in comparison with the corresponding period of the previous year. | |
Div_ | The Div_ method returns the integer part of integer division of values of the variable points by the specified value. | |
Division | The Division method returns quotient of pointwise division of two variables. | |
DLog | The DLog method calculates increment of the logarithm of variable points in comparison with previous period. | |
DLogX | The DLogX method calculates increment of the logarithm of variable points in comparison with the selected period. | |
DynamicLowerConfidenceLevel | The DynamicLowerConfidenceLevel method returns lower dynamic confidence limit of forecast series. | |
DynamicUpperConfidenceLevel | The DynamicUpperConfidenceLevel method returns upper dynamic confidence limit of forecast series. | |
Ecm | The Ecm method transforms variable using error correction model. | |
EndsWith | The EndsWith method returns whether a source string ends with the searched substring. | |
Estimate | The Estimate method returns estimated value of a constant. | |
Exp | The Exp method returns the result of raising the number "e" to the power, specified by variable point. | |
ExpSmooth | The Expsmooth method transforms variable with the help of exponential smoothing. | |
ExpSmoothR | The ExpSmoothR method transforms variable data with the exponential smoothing method using the R package. | |
ExpX | The ExpX method returns the result of raising points variable points to the specified power. | |
Extrapolate | The Extrapolate method transforms a variable using a trend with functional dependency estimation. | |
Fact | The Fact method returns a factorial of selected variable points. | |
Fill | The Fill parameter fills empty values of the series using various missing data treatment methods. | |
Find | The Find method returns position of substring start in the specified source string. | |
Fitted | The Fitted method returns modeling series. | |
Floor | The Floor method returns the result of rounding down variable points to multiple of specified accuracy. | |
FloorI | The FloorI method returns the result of rounding down variable points to multiple of the specified accuracy. The variable must only contain integer values. | |
Forecast | The Forecast method returns forecasting values for the specified series. | |
GetValueByDate | The GetValueByDate method returns series value for the specific date. | |
GreyForecast | The GreyForecast method models a variable using the Grey forecast. | |
Hpf | The Hpf method smoothes a variable using the Hodrick-Prescott filter (smoothing parameter is lambda). | |
HpfP | The HpfP method smoothes the variable with the Hodrick-Prescott filter, by calculating the smoothing parameter depending on the model frequency and the degree parameter. | |
HpfR | The HpfR method smoothes data of a variable using the Hodrick-Prescott filter and the R package. | |
Iif | The Iif method provides conditional execution of operators. | |
Int | The Int method rounds values of selected variable down to the nearest integer. | |
Interpolate | The Interpolate method interpolates variable values. | |
InterpolateP | The InterpolateP method interpolates variable values according to a pattern. | |
IsSeriesEmpty | The IsSeriesEmpty method returns whether a series is empty. | |
Lag | The Lag method shifts variable forward by the specified number of points in a time period. | |
Lead | The Lead method shifts variable backwards by the specified number of points in a time period. | |
Left | The Left method returns the specified number of characters from the left string edge. | |
Length | The Length method returns the number of characters in the specified string. | |
Level | The Level method applies the Level function to selected variable. | |
LevelIndexSeries | The LevelIndexSeries method returns current element index for set calendar frequency. | |
Ln | The Ln method returns a natural logarithm of selected variable points. | |
Log | The Log method returns the logarithm of specified variable points by assigned base. | |
Log10 | The Log10 method returns base-10 logarithm of selected variable points. | |
Lower | The Lower method returns the specified string transformed into low case. | |
LowerConfidenceLevel | The LowerConfidenceLevel method returns lower confidence limit of forecast series. | |
Lrxf | The Lrxf method models variable with the help of LRX-filter. | |
LTrim | The LTrim method returns a string with removed spaces at the beginning of the string. | |
Max | The Max method returns maximum value of variable points. | |
Max_ | The Max_ method returns maximum of the two strings by means of characterwise comparison. | |
MaxI | The MaxI method returns the maximum value of variable points, if this variable contains only integer values. | |
Mean | The Mean method returns mean for selected variable. | |
Median | The Median method returns median for selected variable. | |
MedianSmooth | The MedianSmooth method models a variable with the help of median smoothing. | |
MedianSmoothR | The MedianSmoothR method applies median smoothing to a variable using the R package. | |
Mid | The Mid method returns a substring of the specified length that starts with the specified position of source string. | |
Min | The Min method returns minimum value of variable points. | |
Min_ | The Min_ method returns minimum of the two strings by means of characterwise comparison. | |
MinI | The MinI method returns the minimum value among the points of the variable if it contains only integer values. | |
Mod_ | The Mod_ method returns remainder of integer division of variable point values by a specified number. | |
Mode | The Mode method returns mode of selected variable. | |
Modulus | The Modulus method returns remainder of integer division of variable point values by a specified number. | |
MovAvg | The MovAvg method transforms the variable by the moving average method. | |
MovAvgR | The MovAvgR method transforms data of a variable using the moving average method using the R package. | |
Mult | The Mult method returns product of corresponding points for two or more variables. | |
None | The None method returns whether a constant is not used. | |
Nvl | The Nvl method substitutes missing data of variable with the specified value. | |
Ols | The Ols method models a variable with the help of linear regression (OLS estimation). | |
OlsR | The Ols method models variable data with the help of linear regression (OLS estimation). Calculation is executed using the R package. | |
Pch | The Pch method calculates rate of change of variable points in comparison with previous period. | |
PchA | The PchA method calculates the rate of change of variable points in comparison with the previous period with seasonality adjustment. | |
PchX | The PchX method calculates the rate of change of variable points in comparison with the selected period. | |
PchY | The PchY method calculates the rate of change of variable points in comparison with the corresponding period of the previous year. | |
Pi | The Pi method returns the Pi number. | |
Power | The Power method returns the result of raising variable points to the specified power. | |
PowerI | The PowerI method returns the result of raising variable points to the specified power. All variable points and the power must be integers. | |
R | The R method transforms data using R package methods. | |
Rand | The Rand method returns a random uniformly distributed number, greater or equal to 0 and less than 1. | |
RandBetween | The RandBetween method returns a random float number between two specified numbers. | |
RandBetweenI | The RandbetweenI method returns a random integer between two specified integers. | |
Ratio | The Ratio method calculates growth coefficient for variable points. | |
Rebase | The Rebase method applies the Rebase function to selected variable. | |
Remainder | The Remainder method returns remainder of division of variable points values by a specified number. | |
Replace | The Replace method returns a string, in which all occurrences of the specified substring are replaced with the specified string. | |
Residuals | The Residuals method returns a residual series. | |
Right | The Right method returns the specified number of characters from the right string edge. | |
Round | The Round method rounds off variable points values. | |
RoundDown | The RoundDown method rounds down variable point values. | |
RoundUp | The RoundUp method rounds up values of the variable points. | |
RTrim | The RTrim method returns a string with removed spaces at the string end. | |
SetPeriod | The SetPeriod method generates period by specified dates. | |
Sign | The Sign method returns sign of selected variable points. | |
SignI | The SignI method returns sign of selected variable points, if this variable contains only integer values. | |
Sin | The Sin method returns sine of selected variable points. | |
Space | The Space method returns the string that consists of the specified number of spaces. | |
Splice | The Splice method splices variables. | |
SpliceP | The SpliceP method transforms a variable on the basis of spliced variables. | |
Sqrt | The Sqrt method returns square root of selected variable points. | |
StartsWith | The StartsWith method returns whether a source string starts with the searched substring. | |
StDv | The StDv method returns the standard deviation for the specified variable. | |
Subtract | The Subtract method returns difference of corresponding points for two or more variables. | |
Sum | The Sum method returns sum of corresponding points for two or more variables. | |
SumI | The SumI method returns the sum of corresponding points for two or more variables if they contain only integer values. | |
SumSq | The SumSq method returns the sum of squares for corresponding points for two or more variables. | |
Tan | The Tan method returns tangent of selected variable points. | |
Trim | The Trim method returns a string with removed spaces at the string start and end. | |
Trunc | The Trunc method truncates variable points to the selected number of decimal places. | |
Truncate | The Truncate method truncates variable in accordance with selected parameters. | |
Tsls | The Tsls method models a variable with the help of linear regression (estimation by method of instrumental variables). | |
TslsR | The TslsR method models variable data using linear regression (instrumental variables estimation). Calculation is executed using the R package. | |
Upper | The Upper method returns the specified string transformed into upper case. | |
UpperConfidenceLevel | The UpperConfidenceLevel method returns upper confidence limit of forecast series. | |
Variance | The Variance method returns variance of the variable. | |
X11 | The X11 method executes seasonal decomposition and data adjustment. | |
YearSeries | The YearSeries method returns the current year value for each series point depending on the set calculation periods. |
See also: