GetDisplayName(DisplayFlags: SystemAssemblyNameDisplayFlags): String;
DisplayFlags is a value that determines the additional characteristics that will be extracted during methods' operation. The combination of elements of the SystemAssemblyNameDisplayFlags enumeration type is specified as the value. The values in the list are separated by the key word Or.
The GetDisplayName method returns the name of system assembly with the specified assembly characteristics.
Sub UserProc;
SysAssmEnum: IForeNETSystemAssemblyEnum;
SysAssm: IForeNETSystemAssemblyName;
SysAssmEnum := ForeNETAssemblyClass.CreateSystemAssemblyEnum;
While SysAssmEnum.GetNext <> Null Do
SysAssm := SysAssmEnum.GetNext;
Or SystemAssemblyNameDisplayFlags.PUBLIC_KEY_TOKEN));
End While;
End Sub UserProc;
After executing this example the list of system assemblies registered in GAC, is displayed in the development environment console.Except the name, each assembly has the version and public key token displayed.
See also: