

FetchAll: Boolean;


The FetchAll property determines whether the values of system and custom attributes of MDM dictionary should be loaded to cache together.


True - user attributes values are loaded (or will be loaded) to cache together with system attributes values. The dictionary opening will be taking more time but the work with dictionary elements will speed up.

False - only system attributes values are loaded to cache. If user attributes values were loaded, they are cleared. The dictionary opening will be taking less time but the work with dictionary elements will slow down.

The property is set to False by default.


Executing the example requires the MDM repository with the MDM_REPO identifier containing the dictionary with the OBJ_DICT identifier.

The form with its button identified as Button1 and the UiRdsDictionary component with the UiRdsDictionary1 identifier, that is a RdsDictionaryBox component data source, are required. Also, add a link to the Metabase system assembly.

Click the button to start executing the example.

    Sub Button1OnClick(Sender: Object; Args: IMouseEventArgs);
        MB: IMetabase;
        RdsDescr: IMetabaseObjectDescriptor;
        Dict: IRdsDictionary;
        UiRdsDictionary1.Active := False;
        MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
        RdsDescr := MB.ItemById("RDS_REPO");
        Dict := MB.ItemByIdNamespace("OBJ_DICT", RdsDescr.Key).Bind As IRdsDictionary;
        UiRdsDictionary1.Object := Dict;
        UiRdsDictionary1.FetchAll := True;
        UiRdsDictionary1.Active := True;
    End Sub Button1OnClick;

After executing the example the OBJ_DICT dictionary is opened in the RdsDictionaryBox component. Along with the system attributes values the user attributes values will be loaded to cache.

See also:
