

Sub OnIsEmptyFolder(Sender: Object; Args: IMetabaseTreeNodeSpecialEventArgs);


//set of operators;

End Sub OnIsEmptyFolder;


Sender. The parameter that returns the component that has generated the event.

Args. The parameter that determines event parameters.


The OnIsEmptyFolder event is used to set whether a folder is empty.


When value of the ShowEmptyFolders property is changed for the component, empty folders are hidden or shown. The OnIsEmptyFolder event is generated for each folder and the elements, which are set as folders in the OnIsFolderElem event. The Node property of the event argument can be used to get a folder, for which the current event is generated.

If empty folders are hidden (the ShowEmptyFolders property was set to False), then by using the Special property of the event argument, it is possible to determine whether the Node folder is empty (the folder is hidden from tree) or non-empty (it is not hidden from tree). If the Special property is set to True, the folder will be marked as empty, if the property is set to False, the folder will be marked as non-empty.

See also:
