
Assembly: ExtCtrls;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.ExtCtrls;


The MetaAttributeParamItemEventArgs class implements argument of the event on assigning a parameter to the attribute.


When assigning a parameter to the attribute for the MetaAttributesBreadcrumb component the OnMetaAttributeParam event is generated.

Fore.NET Syntax

Class to get analog of the MetaAttributeParamItemEventArgs class:


Class to get analog of the MetaAttributeParamItemEventArgs class object:



  Constructor name Brief description
The CreateArgs constructor creates an argument of the event occurring on assigning a parameter to the attribute.

Constructors inherited from MetaAttributeBreadcrumbItemEventArgs

  Constructor name Brief description
The Create constructor creates a copy of argument of events related to the attributes of time series database.

Class object properties inherited from IMetaAttributeParamItemEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
The Param property returns the parameter, which was selected as an attribute value.

Class object properties inherited from IMetaAttributeBreadcrumbItemEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
The Attribute property returns the name of the attribute, to which the event is related.

Class object properties inherited from IBreadcrumbItemEventArgs

  Property name Brief description
The Item property returns the element, with which an operation is executed.

See also:

ExtCtrls Assembly Classes