GetIndentInfo(Element: Integer; Indent: Integer; Var: Level: Integer; Var Name: String);
Element - element of composite dimension.
Indent - index of the dimension on changing which the name of Element element was formed.
Level - variable to which the method saves value of source dimension level which contains the element used to form Element's name.
Name - variable to which the method saves name of source dimension element used to form Element's name.
The GetIndentInfo method returns information on source dimension element used to form the Element element name.
Executing the example requires that the repository contains a virtual cube with the Virt_Cube identifier.Cubes named Cube 1 and Cube 2 are used as data sources for this virtual cube. The first cube has three dimensions, the second one has two dimensions. Elements of each dimension have numeric names from 1 to n.
Sub Main;
MB: IMetabase;
Cube: IVirtualCube;
Sources: IVirtualCubeSources;
CDim: ICompoundDimension;
CSource: ICompoundDimensionSource;
CSel, Sel: IDimSelectionSet;
FixInfo: ICubeDimensionFixInfo;
Fix: ICubeDimensionFix;
Params: IMetabaseObjectParamValues;
CDimInst: ICompoundDimensionInstance;
Elements: IDimElements;
ElementsInd: IDimElementsIndent;
Lvl, Element: Integer;
n: String;
MB := MetabaseClass.Active;
Cube := MB.ItemById("Virt_Cube").Bind As IVirtualCube;
Sources := Cube.Sources;
//Forming selection to open composite dimension
CDim := Cube.FactDimension As ICompoundDimension;
Sel := (New DimSelectionSetFactory.Create).CreateDimSelectionSet;
CSel := (New DimSelectionSetFactory.Create).CreateDimSelectionSet;
For Each CSource In CDim.Sources Do
//Forming selection in accordance with selection of fixed dimension in the sources
FixInfo := Sources.FindByKey(CSource.Key).FixInfo;
For Each Fix In FixInfo Do
If Fix.Selection.SelectedCount <> 0 Then
Fix.Selection.CopyTo(Sel.Add(Fix.Instance), True);
End If;
End For;
CSel.AddCompound(CSource.Key, Sel);
End For;
//Open composite dimension
Params := (CDim As IMetabaseObject).Params.CreateEmptyValues;
Params.FindById("SELECTIONS").Value := CSel;
CDimInst := (CDim As IMetabaseObject).Open(Params) As ICompoundDimensionInstance;
//Get elements of composite dimension
Elements := (CDimInst As IDimInstance).Elements;
ElementsInd := Elements As IDimElementsIndent;
//Show information on forming element names
For Each Element In Elements.Elements Do
Debug.Write(Elements.Name(Element) + ": ");
ElementsInd.GetIndentInfo(Element, 1, Lvl, n);
Debug.WriteLine("Source element level: " + Lvl.ToString + "; Source element name: " + n);
End For;
End Sub Main;
On executing this example to open composite dimension of the virtual cube, a selection is set based on selection of fixed dimensions in all cube's data sources. Development environment console shows information on elements of the first dimension used to form names of composite dimension.
See also: