

The TextCriteriaOptions enumeration contains search options.

It is used by the following property:

Available Values

Value Brief description
0 None. Parameters are undefined.
1 SearchName. Search in Name field.
2 SearchID. Search in ID field.
4 SearchStringAttributes. Search in string attributes.
8 SearchAllAttributes. Search in all attributes.
16 SearchProbeAttributes. Search in specific attributes. The value is searched in the attributes, for which the IDimAttributeProbe.Probe method returns True.
256 FreeText. Find free text. Searches all occurrences of pattern X in pattern Y. If string consist of several words, the input of entire phrase is searched. When searching for occurrences, noun endings are ignored. For example, occurrence of Income is found for words Income and Incomes.

LikeText. Search text by mask using the % and _ substitution symbols:

  • Use the % symbol to search string with zero or more symbols.For example, for the %region%, the search results display all expressions where before and after the word "region" there is a text or all expressions with the only word "region".

  • Use the _ symbol for one word search. For example, by the regio_ search query, all six-letter words starting with regio will be found.

4096 MatchCase. Case-sensitive search.
8192 WholeWord. Search the whole words (all words with spaces).
16384 ForEachWord. Search inputs by separate word or by all words simultaneously. If series consist of several words, the input is searched for a single word or all the words. When searching for occurrences, noun endings are ignored.
For example, searching for the Dictionary Attributes phrase the search is performed for the items, containing as the Dictionary Attributes, as Attributes, Attribute, Dictionary.

See also:

Dimensions Assembly Enumerations