
Assembly: Db;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Db;


The IOdbcDataset interface contains properties and methods of the ODBC data source repository object.


Interface properties allow to set up parameters of the repository object that allows access to data by means of ODBC drivers installed in the operating system. To work with data, open repository object and cast it to the IDatasetInstance interface.

NOTE.If connection to file with data is executed by means of ODBC driver (text file, Microsoft Excel file and so on), working with records is executed only in the read-only mode. Adding/removing/editing of records is not supported.

When a new ODBC data source is created, to ensure is correct work, determine the following minimum set of properties in the settings:

If the data source requires authorization, also specify the UserId and Password properties.

The ProviderString property can also be specified instead of all the specified properties.


  Property name Brief description
The Catalog property determines the directory of ODBC data source.
The DataSource property determines the type of ODBC source.
The DataSourceName property determines the name of the table, of the file or of the Excel book sheet (depending on type of a data source).
The Location property determines a path to the ODBC data source.
The Password property determines the password of the ODBC data source user.
The ProviderString property determines a connection string of ODBC source.
The UserId property determines the name of ODBC data source user.

See also:

Db Assembly Interfaces | IDatasetModel | IDatasetInstance