
Assembly: Cubes;

Namespace: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Cubes;


The ICubeLoaderFromSource interface contains properties and methods that are used to load data with the ability of transformation by dimensions.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To create a cube and load data to it:


  Property name Brief description
The AddAllFields property determines whether data by the fields that are not mapped with cube dimensions or facts is loaded to data table.
The AdditionalFields property returns the collection, to which unmapped source fields are included that must be loaded to cube output matrix.
The CreateETLTask property determines whether an ETL task is created that contains a data import chain from selected data source to data consumer.
The CreateCacheKeeper property determines whether a cached data storage is created.
The Cube property determines the cube, to which the data will be loaded.
The Database property determines the database, in which a table to store the cube data is created.
The DimensionBindings property returns parameters of dimension binding to data source fields.
The EditExistingObject property determines whether the structure of the object, to which data is loaded, is edited.
The FactBindings property returns parameters of binding cube facts to data source fields.
The IsMetabaseProvider property determines whether source data is loaded to repositories.
The LoadDuplicates property determines whether duplicate records will be loaded on data loading.
The Parent property determines the repository folder, in which a cube and all required objects are created.
The RdsDatabase property determines the MDM repository, in which the dictionaries corresponding to cube dimensions are created.
The Rubricator property determines the time series database, to which the data will be imported.
The Type property determines the type of repository object, to which data is loaded.


  Method name Brief description
The Init method configure parameters of dimensions and facts description according to the data source fields.
The Load method loads data.
The LoadWithResult method loads data and returns loading result.

See also:

Cubes Assembly Interfaces