DownLevel(Calendar: IDimInstance; El: Integer): Integer;
DownLevel(Calendar: Prognoz.Platform.Interop.Dimensions.IDimInstance; El: uinteger): uinteger;
Calendar. Data of the calendar dictionary, by which calculation is executed.
El. Index of the element, relative to which calculation is executed.
The DownLevel method returns an index of the element, which is a parent for the specified element.
If the parent element is missing, the method returns -1.
For example, if the calendar dictionary contains Years, Half-years, Quarters levels and the calculation is executed for:
Element of the semi-annual frequency, the DownLevel method returns the element corresponding to the year, which includes the half-year.
Element of the quarterly frequency, the DownLevel method returns the element corresponding to the half-year, which includes the quarter.
The property use is given in the example for ICalendarDimensionClass.IifLevel.
See also: