
Namespace: PP.Ui;

Inheritance hierarchy




The TabSheetRange class represents a range of table cells.


PP.initClass(PP.Ui.TabSheetRange, PP.Object, "PP.Ui.TabSheetRange");


  Constructor name Brief description
sub_image.gif TabSheetRange The TabSheetRange constructor creates an instance of the TabSheetRange class.


  Property name Brief description
property_image.gif Style The Style property sets style for all range cells.


  Method name Brief description
sub_image.gif add The add method adds the specified range of table cells to the current one.
sub_image.gif addExpander The addExpander method adds the range expanding button to the top left cell of the range.
sub_image.gif autoExpand The autoExpand method automatically expands a range of table cells.
sub_image.gif bottomExpand The bottomExpand method expands a range of table cells down by the specified number of rows.
sub_image.gif contains The contains method determines whether the range contains the specified range of table cells.
sub_image.gif eachCell The eachCell method executes the specified function for each cell in this range.
sub_image.gif eachColIndex The eachColIndex method executes the specified function on iterating indexes of each column in this range.
sub_image.gif eachCoord The eachCoord method executes the specified function for each coordinate that corresponds to a cell in this range.
sub_image.gif eachRealCell The eachRealCell executes the specified function for each real cell in this range.
sub_image.gif eachRowIndex The eachRowIndex method executes the specified function when iterating through indexes of each row in this range.
sub_image.gif eachVisibleCoord The eachVisibleCoord method executes the specified function for each coordinate that corresponds to a visible cell in this range.
sub_image.gif eachVisibleRealCell The eachVisibleRealCell method executes the specified function for each visible real cell in this range.
sub_image.gif ensureVisibility The ensureVisibility method automatically scrolls the table so that the cell range was displayed in the visible area.
sub_image.gif equals The equals method checks if two table ranges are equal.
sub_image.gif getCells The getCells method returns array of cell in this range.
sub_image.gif getCoordsCount The getCoordsCount method returns the number of cells in the range.
sub_image.gif getCorners The getCorners method returns coordinates of corner cells in the table range.
sub_image.gif getCutRanges The getCutRanges method returns ranges separated with fixation lines.
sub_image.gif getCutRangeSizes The getCutRangeSizes method returns sizes of ranges divided by fixation lines in pixels.
sub_image.gif getCutStatus The getCutStatus method determines the mode for splitting the initial range with fixation lines.
sub_image.gif getInnerSizeInPX The getInnerSizeInPX method returns size (in pixels) of visible part for this range.
sub_image.gif getInnerSpans The getInnerSpans method returns an array of merged cells within this range.
sub_image.gif getInnerVirtualSizeInPX The getInnerVirtualSizeInPX method returns sizes of this range in pixels.
sub_image.gif getIntersectionWith The getIntersectionWith method returns common area for this range and the specified range.
sub_image.gif getRangeInfo The getRangeInfo method returns an object that contains information about the top left coordinate of the range.
sub_image.gif getSizeInCells The getSizeInCells method returns size of the range given as the number of visible rows and visible columns in this range.
sub_image.gif getSizeInVirtualCells The getSizeInVirtualCells method returns size of the range given as total number of rows and columns included in the range.
sub_image.gif getTabSheet The getTabSheet method returns the table that includes this range.
sub_image.gif getVisibleRange The getVisibleRange method returns the range of visible cells in this range.
sub_image.gif horizontalExpand The horizontalExpand method expands a range of table cells to the left and to the right by the specified number of columns.
sub_image.gif intersects The intersects method checks if the specified range of table cells intersects with this range.
sub_image.gif isAllColumnsHidden The isAllColumnsHidden method determines whether all columns in this range are hidden.
sub_image.gif isAllRowsHidden The isAllRowsHidden method determines whether all rows in this range are hidden.
sub_image.gif isColumnBelong The isColumnBelong method determines whether the column with the specified index is included into this range.
sub_image.gif isCoordBelong The isCoordBelong method determines whether the cell with the specified coordinates belongs to this range.
sub_image.gif isCuttedRange The isCuttedRange method determines whether a fixation line crosses this range.
sub_image.gif isRowBelong The isRowBelong method determines whether the row with the specified index belongs to this range.
sub_image.gif isValid The isValid method checks if this range is valid.
sub_image.gif isVisible The isVisible method determines whether at least one cell in this range is visible.
sub_image.gif isWholeHidden The isWholeHidden method determines whether all cells in this range are hidden.
sub_image.gif leftExpand The leftExpand method expands a range of table cells to the left by the specified number of columns.
sub_image.gif merge The merge method merges table cells in this range.
sub_image.gif removeExpanders The removeExpanders method removes expander button from each cell in the range.
sub_image.gif reset The reset method rerenders cells in this range.
sub_image.gif rightExpand The rightExpand method expands a range of table cells to the right by the specified number of columns.
sub_image.gif select The select method selects a range of table cells.
sub_image.gif setComment The setComment method sets a comments for cells in table range.
sub_image.gif setEnabled The setEnabled method manages availability of cells in this range.
sub_image.gif setHint The setHint method sets a tooltip for all cells in this range.
sub_image.gif shift The shift method shifts the specified cell range by the specified number of rows and columns.
sub_image.gif split The split method splits merged cells in the table range.
sub_image.gif subtract The subtract method subtracts the specified cell range from this one.
sub_image.gif toJSON The toJSON method transforms the specified range to JSON object.
sub_image.gif topExpand The topExpand method expands the range of table cells to the top by the specified number of rows.
sub_image.gif toPlainText The toPlainText method transforms range data into plain text.
sub_image.gif verticalExpand The verticalExpand method expands a range of table cells to the top and to bottom by the specified number of rows.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

