Namespace: PP.Ui;
The TabSheetRange class represents a range of table cells.
PP.initClass(PP.Ui.TabSheetRange, PP.Object, "PP.Ui.TabSheetRange");
Constructor name | Brief description | |
TabSheetRange | The TabSheetRange constructor creates an instance of the TabSheetRange class. |
Property name | Brief description | |
Style | The Style property sets style for all range cells. |
Method name | Brief description | |
add | The add method adds the specified range of table cells to the current one. | |
addExpander | The addExpander method adds the range expanding button to the top left cell of the range. | |
autoExpand | The autoExpand method automatically expands a range of table cells. | |
bottomExpand | The bottomExpand method expands a range of table cells down by the specified number of rows. | |
contains | The contains method determines whether the range contains the specified range of table cells. | |
eachCell | The eachCell method executes the specified function for each cell in this range. | |
eachColIndex | The eachColIndex method executes the specified function on iterating indexes of each column in this range. | |
eachCoord | The eachCoord method executes the specified function for each coordinate that corresponds to a cell in this range. | |
eachRealCell | The eachRealCell executes the specified function for each real cell in this range. | |
eachRowIndex | The eachRowIndex method executes the specified function when iterating through indexes of each row in this range. | |
eachVisibleCoord | The eachVisibleCoord method executes the specified function for each coordinate that corresponds to a visible cell in this range. | |
eachVisibleRealCell | The eachVisibleRealCell method executes the specified function for each visible real cell in this range. | |
ensureVisibility | The ensureVisibility method automatically scrolls the table so that the cell range was displayed in the visible area. | |
equals | The equals method checks if two table ranges are equal. | |
getCells | The getCells method returns array of cell in this range. | |
getCoordsCount | The getCoordsCount method returns the number of cells in the range. | |
getCorners | The getCorners method returns coordinates of corner cells in the table range. | |
getCutRanges | The getCutRanges method returns ranges separated with fixation lines. | |
getCutRangeSizes | The getCutRangeSizes method returns sizes of ranges divided by fixation lines in pixels. | |
getCutStatus | The getCutStatus method determines the mode for splitting the initial range with fixation lines. | |
getInnerSizeInPX | The getInnerSizeInPX method returns size (in pixels) of visible part for this range. | |
getInnerSpans | The getInnerSpans method returns an array of merged cells within this range. | |
getInnerVirtualSizeInPX | The getInnerVirtualSizeInPX method returns sizes of this range in pixels. | |
getIntersectionWith | The getIntersectionWith method returns common area for this range and the specified range. | |
getRangeInfo | The getRangeInfo method returns an object that contains information about the top left coordinate of the range. | |
getSizeInCells | The getSizeInCells method returns size of the range given as the number of visible rows and visible columns in this range. | |
getSizeInVirtualCells | The getSizeInVirtualCells method returns size of the range given as total number of rows and columns included in the range. | |
getTabSheet | The getTabSheet method returns the table that includes this range. | |
getVisibleRange | The getVisibleRange method returns the range of visible cells in this range. | |
horizontalExpand | The horizontalExpand method expands a range of table cells to the left and to the right by the specified number of columns. | |
intersects | The intersects method checks if the specified range of table cells intersects with this range. | |
isAllColumnsHidden | The isAllColumnsHidden method determines whether all columns in this range are hidden. | |
isAllRowsHidden | The isAllRowsHidden method determines whether all rows in this range are hidden. | |
isColumnBelong | The isColumnBelong method determines whether the column with the specified index is included into this range. | |
isCoordBelong | The isCoordBelong method determines whether the cell with the specified coordinates belongs to this range. | |
isCuttedRange | The isCuttedRange method determines whether a fixation line crosses this range. | |
isRowBelong | The isRowBelong method determines whether the row with the specified index belongs to this range. | |
isValid | The isValid method checks if this range is valid. | |
isVisible | The isVisible method determines whether at least one cell in this range is visible. | |
isWholeHidden | The isWholeHidden method determines whether all cells in this range are hidden. | |
leftExpand | The leftExpand method expands a range of table cells to the left by the specified number of columns. | |
merge | The merge method merges table cells in this range. | |
removeExpanders | The removeExpanders method removes expander button from each cell in the range. | |
reset | The reset method rerenders cells in this range. | |
rightExpand | The rightExpand method expands a range of table cells to the right by the specified number of columns. | |
select | The select method selects a range of table cells. | |
setComment | The setComment method sets a comments for cells in table range. | |
setEnabled | The setEnabled method manages availability of cells in this range. | |
setHint | The setHint method sets a tooltip for all cells in this range. | |
shift | The shift method shifts the specified cell range by the specified number of rows and columns. | |
split | The split method splits merged cells in the table range. | |
subtract | The subtract method subtracts the specified cell range from this one. | |
toJSON | The toJSON method transforms the specified range to JSON object. | |
topExpand | The topExpand method expands the range of table cells to the top by the specified number of rows. | |
toPlainText | The toPlainText method transforms range data into plain text. | |
verticalExpand | The verticalExpand method expands a range of table cells to the top and to bottom by the specified number of rows. |
Property name | Brief description | |
The Id property determines a repository object identifier. |
Method name | Brief description | |
clone | The clone method creates an object copy. | |
dispose | The dispose method deletes the component. | |
getHashCode | The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object. | |
getSettings | The getSettings method returns repository object settings. | |
getTypeName | The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs. | |
isEqual | The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object. | |
isLive | The isLive method determines validity of repository object. | |
removeAllEvents | The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context. | |
setSettings | The setSettings method determines repository object settings. | |
defineProps | The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class. | |
keys | The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object. |