
Namespace: PP.Ui;

Inheritance hierarchy





The TabSheetMeasures class represents table dimensions.


PP.initClass(PP.Ui.TabSheetMeasures, PP.Ui.TabSheetSerializableObject, "PP.Ui.TabSheetMeasures");


This class is used to store information about table state and calculate auxiliary values.


  Constructor name Brief description
sub_image.gif TabSheetMeasures The TabSheetMeasures constructor creates an instance of the TabSheetMeasures class.


  Property name Brief description
property_image.gif ColumnResizeEnabled The ColumnResizeEnabled property determines whether column width can be changed using the mouse.
property_image.gif ColumnWidth The ColumnWidth property determines width of the specified table column.
property_image.gif DefaultColumnWidth The DefaultColumnWidth property sets default width for table columns.
property_image.gif DefaultRowHeight The DefaultRowHeight property sets default height for table rows.
property_image.gif DisplayAccessRights The DisplayAccessRights property controls visibility of an icon that indicates access permissions for table cells.
property_image.gif DisplayFixedAreaLines The DisplayFixedAreaLines property controls visibility of the lines that separate fixed rows and columns in a table from non-fixed ones.
property_image.gif FixedAreaLineColor The FixedAreaLineColor property determines color of the line that separates fixed and non-fixed rows and columns.
property_image.gif FixedBehaviour The FixedBehaviour property determines whether fixed rows and columns are fully selected when the user clicks on them.
property_image.gif HeaderHeight The HeaderHeight property sets height of table column headers.
property_image.gif MaxColumn The MaxColumn property sets maximum number of table columns.
property_image.gif MaxRow The MaxRow property sets maximum number of table rows.
property_image.gif RowHeaderWidth The RowHeaderWidth property sets width of table row headers.
property_image.gif RowHeight The RowHeight property sets height of the specified table row.
property_image.gif RowResizeEnabled The RowResizeEnabled property determines whether row height can be changed using the mouse.
property_image.gif VisibleColHeaders The VisibleColHeaders property controls visibility of table column headers.
property_image.gif VisibleGrid The VisibleGrid property controls table grid visibility.
property_image.gif VisibleRowHeaders The VisibleRowHeaders property controls visibility of table row headers.


  Method name Brief description
sub_image.gif addHiddenColumn The addHiddenColumn method hides table column by the specified index.
sub_image.gif addHiddenRow The addHiddenRow method hides table row by the specified index.
sub_image.gif calcColumnsWidth The calcColumnsWidth method calculates value of total width for table columns in the specified range.
sub_image.gif calcColumnsWidthByPosition The calcColumnsWidthByPosition method calculates total width of columns in the specified range.
sub_image.gif calcRowsHeight The calcRowsHeight method calculates value of total height for table rows in the specified range.
sub_image.gif calcRowsHeightByPosition The calcRowsHeightByPosition method calculates value of total height for rows in the specified range.
sub_image.gif deleteColumn The deleteColumn method deletes table columns.
sub_image.gif deleteRow The deleteRow method deletes table rows.
sub_image.gif eachVisibleColIndex The eachVisibleColIndex method executes the specified function when iterating through indexes of each visible table column.
sub_image.gif eachVisibleCoord The eachVisibleCoord method executes the specified function when iterating through each visible coordinate of the table.
sub_image.gif eachVisibleRowIndex The eachVisibleRowIndex method executes the specified function when iterating through indexes of each visible table row.
sub_image.gif getColumnIndexByPos The getColumnIndexByPos method determines column index using its position in the table.
sub_image.gif getColumnPosByIndex The getColumnPosByIndex method determines column's position in the table by its index.
sub_image.gif getCoordSize The getCoordSize method returns height of the row and width of the column that correspond to the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif getDefaultColumnVisibility The getDefaultColumnVisibility method returns if columns are visible by default.
sub_image.gif getDefaultRowVisibility The getDefaultRowVisibility method returns if rows are visible by default.
sub_image.gif getFirstColToScroll The getFirstColToScroll method returns index of the first column, starting from which the table is scrolled.
sub_image.gif getFirstRowToScroll The getFirstRowToScroll method returns index of the first row, starting from which the table is scrolled.
sub_image.gif getFixedColumnCount The getFixedColumnCount method returns the number of fixed table columns.
sub_image.gif getFixedHeight The getFixedHeight method returns total height of fixed table rows.
sub_image.gif getFixedRowCount The getFixedRowCount method returns the number of fixed table rows.
sub_image.gif getFixedWidth The getFixedWidth method returns total width of fixed table columns.
sub_image.gif getLastColFullyVisible The getLastColFullyVisible method returns index of the last fully visible table column.
sub_image.gif getLastColIndex The getLastColIndex method returns index of the last table column.
sub_image.gif getLastColumnToScroll The getLastColumnToScroll method returns index of the last column, to which the table is scrolled.
sub_image.gif getLastEntirelyVisibleColIndex The getLastEntirelyVisibleColIndex method returns index of the last fully visible column.
sub_image.gif getLastEntirelyVisibleRowIndex The getLastEntirelyVisibleRowIndex method returns index of the last fully visible row.
sub_image.gif getLastNonHiddenColIndex The getLastNonHiddenColIndex method returns index of the last non-hidden table column.
sub_image.gif getLastNonHiddenRowIndex The getLastNonHiddenRowIndex method returns index of the last non-hidden table row.
sub_image.gif getLastRowFullyVisible The getLastRowFullyVisible method returns index of the last fully visible table row.
sub_image.gif getLastRowIndex The getLastRowIndex method returns index of the last table row.
sub_image.gif getLastRowToScroll The getLastRowToScroll method returns index of the last row, up to which the table is scrolled down.
sub_image.gif getLastVisibleColIndex The getLastVisibleColIndex method returns index of the last visible table column.
sub_image.gif getLastVisibleRowIndex The getLastVisibleRowIndex method returns index of the last visible table row.
sub_image.gif getNextBottomCoord The getNextBottomCoord method returns coordinates of the cell positioned one row below the cell with the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif getNextLeftCoord The getNextLeftCoord method returns coordinates of the cell positioned one column to the left from the cell with the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif getNextNonHiddenColumn The getNextNonHiddenColumn method returns index of the non-hidden table column that goes after a the specified column.
sub_image.gif getNextNonHiddenRow The getNextNonHiddenRow method returns index of the non-hidden row that goes after the specified table row.
sub_image.gif getNextRightCoord The getNextRightCoord method returns coordinates of the cell positioned one column to the right from the cell with the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif getNextTopCoord The getNextTopCoord method returns coordinates of the cell positioned one row above the cell with the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif getPreviousNonHiddenColumn The getPreviousNonHiddenColumn method returns index of non-hidden column positioned before the specified table column.
sub_image.gif getPreviousNonHiddenRow The getPreviousNonHiddenRow method returns index of non-hidden row positioned before the specified table row.
sub_image.gif getRealCoordSize The getCoordSize method returns height of the row and width of the column that correspond to the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif getRowIndexByPos The getRowIndexByPos method determines row index by its position in the table.
sub_image.gif getRowPosByIndex The getRowPosByIndex method determines row position in the table using row index.
sub_image.gif getScrollableColIndexes The getScrollableColIndexes method returns index of scrollable table columns.
sub_image.gif getScrollableRowIndexes The getScrollableRowIndexes method returns indexes of scrollable table rows.
sub_image.gif getTabSheet The getTabSheet method returns the basic Tabsheet component.
sub_image.gif getVirtualSize The getVirtualSize method returns virtual table size in pixels.
sub_image.gif getVisibleColIndexes The getVisibleColIndexes method returns array of indexes for visible table columns.
sub_image.gif getVisibleColumnsCount The getVisibleColumnsCount method returns the number of visible table columns.
sub_image.gif getVisibleDefaultCellsCount The getVisibleDefaultCellsCount method returns default number for visible table cells.
sub_image.gif getVisibleRowIndexes The getVisibleRowIndexes method returns array of indexes for visible table cells.
sub_image.gif getVisibleRowsCount The getVisibleRowsCount method returns the number of visible table rows.
sub_image.gif getVisibleTableSize The getVisibleTableSize method returns the number of visible columns and rows in the table, and also their total height and width.
sub_image.gif insertColumn The insertColumn method inserts columns into a table.
sub_image.gif insertRow The insertRow method inserts rows into a table.
sub_image.gif invalidateCache The invalidateCache method clears cached data that contains information concerning table dimensions.
sub_image.gif invalidateVisibleTableSizeCache The invalidateVisibleTableSizeCache method clears cached data containing information about table visible area size.
sub_image.gif isColInsideVisibleRange The isColInsideVisibleRange method determines whether the specified column is within the visible table range.
sub_image.gif isColumnHidden The isColumnHidden method determines whether the specified table column is hidden.
sub_image.gif isCoordInsideVisibleRange The isCoordInsideVisibleRange method determines whether the specified coordinate is within visible table range.
sub_image.gif isLastVisibleColumnLastNonHidden The isLastVisibleColumnLastNonHidden method determines whether the last column of visible range is the last non-hidden column in the table.
sub_image.gif isLastVisibleRowLastNonHidden The isLastVisibleRowLastNonHidden method determines whether the last row of visible range is the last non-hidden row in the table.
sub_image.gif isRowHidden The isRowHidden method determines whether the specified table row is a hidden row.
sub_image.gif isRowInsideVisibleRange The isRowInsideVisibleRange method determines whether the specified row is within the visible table range.
sub_image.gif iterateColumnWidth The iterateColumnWidth method iterates through values of table columns width.
sub_image.gif iterateLeftOffset The iterateLeftOffset method iterates through values of table columns width.
sub_image.gif iterateRowHeight The iterateRowHeight method iterates through values of table rows height.
sub_image.gif iterateTopOffset The iterateTopOffset method iterates through values of table rows height.
sub_image.gif removeHiddenColumn The removeHiddenColumn method shows hidden table column with the specified index.
sub_image.gif removeHiddenRow The removeHiddenRow method shows hidden table row with the specified index.
sub_image.gif setColumnsWidth The setColumnsWidth method sets new width values for table columns.
sub_image.gif setFixedColumn The setFixedColumn method fixes table columns up to column with the specified index.
sub_image.gif setFixedRow The setFixedRow method fixes table rows up to row with the specified index.
sub_image.gif setRowsHeight The setRowsHeight method sets new height values for table rows.
sub_image.gif updateData The updateData method sets table dimension properties.

Properties inherited from the class Object

  Property name Brief description


The Id property determines a repository object identifier.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.

