

resetCoord(coord: PP.Ui.TabSheetCoord, isMassReset);


coord. Table cell to be rerendered.

isMassReset. Indicates if all table cells are rerendered. If the parameter is set to True, only specified table cell is rerendered, otherwise all table cells are rerendered.


The resetCoord method rerenders a table cell.


To execute the example, the HTML page must contain the TabSheet component named tabSheet (see Example of Creating the TabSheet Component). Set yellow color as fill color for the table cells, then rerender these cells to apply changes:

// Process the StyleChanged event
tabSheet.StyleChanged.add(function (sender, args) {
    console.log("New fill color: " + args.newValue.Fill.Color)
var coord = tabSheet.coord(1, 1);
var range = tabSheet.getRange(0, 0, 5, 5);
var model = tabSheet.getModel();
// Set new value for this cell
var style = tabSheet.getModel().getStyle(range);
style.Fill.C = "#FFFFCC";
model.setStyle(range, style);
// Rerender all table cells
tabSheet.resetCoord(coord, False);

After executing the example yellow fill color is set for the table cells, then the cells are rerendered:

On processing the table style change event StyleChanged, the browser console shows fill color code:

New fill color: #FFFFCC

See also:
