
Namespace: PP.Ui;

Inheritance hierarchy





The TabSheet class implements a table.


PP.initClass(PP.Ui.TabSheet, PP.Ui.Control, "PP.Ui.TabSheet");


  Constructor name Brief description
sub_image.gif TabSheet The TabSheet constructor creates the TabSheet component instance.


  Method name Brief description
sub_image.gif addCellControl The addCellControl method adds a control to the cell with the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif addCellToSearchResult The addCellToSearchResult method adds a cell to search results.
sub_image.gif addExpander The addExpander method adds a range expanding button to the top left cell of the range.
sub_image.gif addFilter The addFilter method adds a filter for the table column.
sub_image.gif addObject The addObject method adds an object to the table.
sub_image.gif autoColumnWidth The autoColumnWidth method autofits width of table columns.
sub_image.gif autoRowHeight The autoRowHeight method autofits height of table rows.
sub_image.gif beginUpdate The beginUpdate method disables rerendering of the table until the endUpdate method is called.
sub_image.gif calcCoordByOffset The calcCoordByOffset method returns coordinates that correspond to offset relative to the top right table corner with regards of the cell merge.
sub_image.gif calcCoordUnderMouse The calcCoordUnderMouse method returns coordinates of the cell under the current cursor position taking into account merged cells.
sub_image.gif calcNonSpanCoordByOffset The calcNonSpanCoordByOffset method returns coordinates that correspond to offset relative to the top right table corner ignoring the cell merge.
sub_image.gif calcNonSpanCoordUnderMouse The calcNonSpanCoordUnderMouse method returns coordinates of the cell under the current mouse cursor position, ignoring cell merges.
sub_image.gif clearChangedCells The clearChangedCells method clears information on edited table cells.
sub_image.gif clearRedo The clearRedo method clears an array of redo commands.
sub_image.gif clearSearchResult The clearSearchResult method removes all cells from search results.
sub_image.gif clearSelection The clearSelection method removes all selections in a table.
sub_image.gif clearUndo The clearUndo method clears an array of undo commands.
sub_image.gif clearUserEditableRanges The clearUserEditableRanges method clears an array of cell ranges edited by the user.
sub_image.gif closeCellEditor The closeCellEditor method closes the currently active cell editor.
sub_image.gif convertToExcelFormat The convertToExcelFormat method converts a cell range to text in table layout format.
sub_image.gif convertToPlainText The convertToPlainText method transforms data of a cell range to a plain text.
sub_image.gif coord Outdated. Use TabSheet.getCoord.
sub_image.gif copy The copy method returns contents of the specified or selected table cell range.
sub_image.gif cutRange The cutRange method cuts contents of a table cell range.
sub_image.gif deleteColumn The deleteColumn method deletes table columns.
sub_image.gif deleteColums The deleteColumns method deletes an array of table columns.
sub_image.gif deleteRange The deleteRange method deletes cell ranges in a table.
sub_image.gif deleteRow The deleteRow method deletes table rows.
sub_image.gif deleteRows The deleteRows method deletes an array of table rows.
sub_image.gif doEdit The doEdit method generates event of the Edited table.
sub_image.gif edit The edit method switches a cell to edit mode.
sub_image.gif endUpdate The endUpdate method enables table rerendering and refreshes it.
sub_image.gif ensureCellSpanUnderCoordVisibility The ensureCellSpanUnderCoordVisibility method changes visible table area so that the range of merged cells is displayed.
sub_image.gif ensureCoordVisibility The ensureCoordVisibility method changes visible area of the table so that the cell with the specified coordinates is displayed.
sub_image.gif ensureCurrentSelectionVisibility The ensureCurrentSelectionVisibility method changes visible table area to show selection.
sub_image.gif ensureRangeVisibility The ensureRangeVisibility method changes visible area of the table so that the selected cell range is displayed.
sub_image.gif getActiveSelectedRange The getActiveSelectedRange method returns the active selected cell range.
sub_image.gif getAdjustmentMgr The getAdjustmentMgr method returns manager that controls resizing of table rows and columns.
sub_image.gif getCell The getCell method returns a range that consists of a single cell.
sub_image.gif getCellControl The getCellControl method returns a control by coordinates of the cell housing this control.
sub_image.gif getCellControlIndex The getCellControlIndex method returns index of a control by coordinates of the cell that houses this control.
sub_image.gif getCellId The getCellId method returns identifier of a table cell.
sub_image.gif getCellNode The getCellNode method returns DOM element of a table cell.
sub_image.gif getCellSpanUnderCoord The getCellSpanUnderCoord method returns a range of merged cells by coordinate of a cell included into this range.
sub_image.gif getChangedCells The getChangedCells method returns array of edited cells' data.
sub_image.gif getChangedData The getChangedData method returns array of edited data.
sub_image.gif getClipboardContainsData The getClipboardContainsData method returns clipboard contents.
sub_image.gif getColIndexByHeaderText The getColIndexByHeaderText method returns index of table column by text of column header.
sub_image.gif getColumnHeaderId The getColumnHeaderId method returns identifier of a table column header.
sub_image.gif getColumnHeaderNode The getColumnHeaderNode method returns DOM element of the column header.
sub_image.gif getColumnHeaderText The getColumnHeaderText method returns a table column header.
sub_image.gif getColumnLeftOffset The getColumnLeftOffset method returns the starting coordinate of a table column.
sub_image.gif getContainer The getContainer method returns DOM element of table container.
sub_image.gif getContainerId The getContainerId method returns identifier for DOM element of table container.
sub_image.gif getCoord The getCoord method returns cell coordinates by indexes of table row and column.
sub_image.gif getCoordByNode The getCoordByNode method returns cell coordinates by its DOM element.
sub_image.gif getCoordFromString The getCoordFromString method returns cell coordinates by the specified string view.
sub_image.gif getCoordInfo The getCoordInfo method returns an object that contains coordinate info.
sub_image.gif getCoordUnderMouse The getCoordUnderMouse method returns the current coordinate under the mouse.
sub_image.gif getCurrentCellEditor The getCurrentCellEditor method returns the current active cell editor.
sub_image.gif getCurrentVisibleCellsRanges The getCurrentVisibleCellsRanges method returns the currently visible cell range.
sub_image.gif getCustomFixedBehaviour The getCustomFixedBehaviour method returns custom behavior determined by the user for fixed table rows and columns on click.
sub_image.gif getCustomFixedLineColor The getCustomFixedLineColor method returns user-defined color for the line that separates fixed rows and column from non-fixed rows and columns.
sub_image.gif getExpanderUnderCoord The getExpanderUnderCoord method returns expander button by the specified coordinate.
sub_image.gif getFixedColumnCount The getFixedColumnCount method returns the number of fixed columns in a table.
sub_image.gif getFixedRowCount The getFixedRowCount method returns the number of fixed rows in a table.
sub_image.gif getGridBorderWidth The getGridBorderWidth method returns width of table grid.
sub_image.gif getHeaderCellContentId The getHeaderCellContentId method returns identifier of column header contents.
sub_image.gif getHScrollBar The getHScrollBar method returns horizontal scrollbar element.
sub_image.gif getHScrollBarId The getHScrollBarId method returns identifier of the horizontal table scrollbar.
sub_image.gif getHScrollbarHeight The getHScrollbarHeight method returns height of horizontal scrollbar in pixels.
sub_image.gif getIsAsync The getIsAsync method returns mode of working with a data source.
sub_image.gif getIsAsyncScrolling The getIsAsyncScrolling method determines whether component works asynchronously.
sub_image.gif getIsEditing The getIsEditing method returns whether table cell is being edited.
sub_image.gif getJSON The getJSON method transforms the specified cell range into a JSON object.
sub_image.gif getLeftmostVisibleColumn The getLeftmostVisibleColumn method returns the column nearest to the left border of the currently visible table area.
sub_image.gif getMeasures The getMeasures method returns table dimensions.
sub_image.gif getModel The getModel method returns table data model.
sub_image.gif getNodeUnderCoord The getNodeUnderCoord method returns DOM element of the table cell by the specified coordinate.
sub_image.gif getNonSpanCoordUnderMouse The getNonSpanCoordUnderMouse method returns current coordinate of the cell under the mouse cursor ignoring merges.
sub_image.gif getObjectSelection The getObjectSelection method returns selection object.
sub_image.gif getRange The getRange method returns cell range.
sub_image.gif getRangeFromString The getRangeFromString method returns cell range by its string view.
sub_image.gif getRedoChangedData The getRedoChangedData method returns array of redo commands.
sub_image.gif getRowHeaderContentId The getRowHeaderContentId method returns identifier of the table row header contents.
sub_image.gif getRowHeaderId The getRowHeaderId method returns identifier of the table row header.
sub_image.gif getRowHeaderNode The getRowHeaderNode method returns DOM element of the row header.
sub_image.gif getRowId The getRowId method returns identifier of the table row.
sub_image.gif getRowNode The getRowNode method returns DOM element of the table row.
sub_image.gif getRowTopOffset The getRowTopOffset method returns starting coordinate of the table row.
sub_image.gif getSelectedCoord The getSelectedCoord method returns starting coordinates of the selected table range.
sub_image.gif getSelectedRanges The getSelectedRanges method returns all selected ranges in the table.
sub_image.gif getSelection The getSelection method returns selection object in the table.
sub_image.gif getSmoothScrollStep The getSmoothScrollStep method returns smooth scrolling step.
sub_image.gif getStyleSheet The getStyleSheet method returns component style settings.
sub_image.gif getTable The getTable method returns DOM element of the table.
sub_image.gif getTableContainer The getTableContainer method returns DOM element of the table container.
sub_image.gif getTableContainerId The getTableContainerId method returns identifier for the DOM element of the table container.
sub_image.gif getTopmostVisibleRow The getTopmostVisibleRow method returns the row nearest to the left edge of the currently visible area.
sub_image.gif getVScrollBar The getVScrollBar method returns vertical scrollbar element.
sub_image.gif getVScrollBarContainer The getVScrollBarContainer method returns DOM element of the vertical scrollbar container.
sub_image.gif getVScrollBarId The getVScrollBarId method returns identifier for container of the table vertical scrollbar.
sub_image.gif getVScrollbarWidth The getVScrollbarWidth method returns width of the vertical scrollbar in pixels.
sub_image.gif getVisibleHeight The getVisibleHeight method returns visible table height in pixels.
sub_image.gif getVisibleWidth The getVisibleWidth method returns visible table width in pixels.
sub_image.gif hasRangesToLoad The hasRangesToLoad method determines whether there are visible ranges, which data must be loaded from source.
sub_image.gif hideColumns The hideColumns method hides table columns.
sub_image.gif hideRows The hideRows method hides table rows.
sub_image.gif insertColumn The insertColumn method inserts columns into a table.
sub_image.gif insertRow The insertRow method inserts rows into a table.
sub_image.gif isCellSpanVisible The isCellSpanVisible method determines whether a range of merged cells is within the visible table area.
sub_image.gif isColInsideVisibleRange The isColInsideVisibleRange method determines whether a column is inside of the visible range.
sub_image.gif isColVisible The isColVisible method determines table column visibility.
sub_image.gif isColVisibleAndOutsideVisibleRange The isColVisibleAndOutsideVisibleRange method determines whether a column is hidden, and if it is outside the visible range.
sub_image.gif isCoordVisible The isCoordVisible method determines whether a cell with the specified coordinate is visible.
sub_image.gif isCoordVisibleOrInsideVisibleSpan The isCoordVisibleOrInsideVisibleSpan method determines whether a range of merged cells is not hidden, and if it is within the visible table range.
sub_image.gif isLastVisibleColumn The isLastVisibleColumn method determines whether the specified column is the last visible column.
sub_image.gif isLastVisibleRow The isLastVisibleRow method determines whether the specified row is the last visible row.
sub_image.gif isLoaded The isLoaded method determines whether a table has been loaded.
sub_image.gif isRowInsideVisibleRange The isRowInsideVisibleRange method determines whether a row is inside the visible table range.
sub_image.gif isRowVisible The isRowVisible method determines table row visibility.
sub_image.gif isRowVisibleAndOutsideVisibleRange The isRowVisibleAndOutsideVisibleRange method determines whether a row is hidden, and if it is outside the visible range.
sub_image.gif IsTabSheetExpandExist The IsTabSheetExpandExist method determines whether the table includes groupings.
sub_image.gif IsTabSheetTabObjectExist The IsTabSheetTabObjectExist method determines whether the table contains any objects.
sub_image.gif liteRerender The liteRerender method rerenders component from cache.
sub_image.gif loadVisibleRanges The loadVisibleRanges method loads from source unloaded visible table ranges.
sub_image.gif merge The merge method merges table cells in the specified range.
sub_image.gif mergeSelectedRanges The mergeSelectedRanges method merges cells for all selected table ranges.
sub_image.gif parseCellId The parseCellId method returns cell coordinates by the cell identifier.
sub_image.gif parsePlainText The parsePlainText method deserializes text of a table cell range to data source format.
sub_image.gif paste The paste method inserts a text to a cell with the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif redo The redo method returns the last change in the table.
sub_image.gif removeAllCellControl The removeAllCellControl method removes all controls from table cells.
sub_image.gif removeCellControl The removeCellControl method removes a control by coordinates of the cell that houses this control.
sub_image.gif removeCellControlByIndex The removeCellControlByIndex method removes a control from a table cell by control index.
sub_image.gif removeCellFromSearchResult The removeCellFromSearchResult method removes a cell from search results.
sub_image.gif removeExpander The removeExpander method removes expander button from a cell with the specified coordinate.
sub_image.gif removeFilter The removeFilter method removes a filter from a table column.
sub_image.gif removeObject The removeObject method removes an object from a table.
sub_image.gif removeUndo The removeUndo method removes the last table changes.
sub_image.gif rerender The rerender method rerenders a component.
sub_image.gif rerenderDisable The rerenderDisable method disables table rerendering.
sub_image.gif rerenderEnable The rerenderEnable method enables table rerendering.
sub_image.gif reset The reset method resets all cache of a component and requests all data from data source.
sub_image.gif resetCoord The resetCoord method rerenders a table cell.
sub_image.gif resetRange The resetRange method rerenders the specified cell range.
sub_image.gif scrollHorizontal The scrollHorizontal method scrolls a table horizontally.
sub_image.gif scrollToColumn The scrollToColumn method scrolls a table to the specified column.
sub_image.gif scrollToColumnAsToLast The scrollToColumnAsToLast method scrolls a table to the specified column so that this column is the last visible in the table.
sub_image.gif scrollToPos The scrollToPos method scrolls the table to the specified row and column.
sub_image.gif scrollToPosInPx The scrollToPosInPx method scrolls the table vertically and horizontally to the specified number of pixels.
sub_image.gif scrollToRange The scrollToRange method scrolls a table to the specified range.
sub_image.gif scrollToRow The scrollToRow method scrolls a table to the specified row.
sub_image.gif scrollToRowAsToLast The scrollToRowAsToLast method scrolls a table to the specified row so that this row is the last visible.
sub_image.gif scrollVertical The scrollVertical method scrolls a table vertically.
sub_image.gif select The select method selects the specified cell range.
sub_image.gif selectAll The selectAll method selects all cells in a table.
sub_image.gif setCellControls The setCellControls method adds controls to cells with the specified coordinates.
sub_image.gif setColumnsWidth The setColumnsWidth method sets new width for table columns.
sub_image.gif setComment The setComment method sets a comment for a table cell range.
sub_image.gif setDataSource The setDataSource method sets a new data source for a table.
sub_image.gif setHint The setHint method changes tooltips set for a table cell range.
sub_image.gif setCellPictureSettings The setCellPictureSettings method determines settings for an image shown in table cell.
sub_image.gif setCellsValues The setCellsValues method sets new values of table cells based on the specified data array.
sub_image.gif setClassToRange The setClassToRange method applies settings of the specified CSS class to cell range.
sub_image.gif setIsUserEditableRanges The setIsUserEditableRanges method allows for editing of cell range in the PP.Ui.TabSheetEditMode.UserEnabledCell mode.
sub_image.gif setPreservedFvCol The setPreservedFvCol method sets value of saved column index.
sub_image.gif setPreservedFvRow The setPreservedFvRow method sets value of saved row index.
sub_image.gif setRangeEnabled The setRangeEnabled method controls cell range availability.
sub_image.gif setRowsHeight The setRowsHeight method sets height for table rows.
sub_image.gif setSelectionControlPosition The setSelectionControlPosition method sets position of the control to be displayed on selecting a table cell.
sub_image.gif showColumns The showColumns method displays hidden table columns.
sub_image.gif showHyperlinksOnRange The showHyperlinksOnRange method displays contents of table cells as hyperlinks.
sub_image.gif showRows The showRows method displays hidden table rows.
sub_image.gif sort The sort method sorts table by the specified table columns.
sub_image.gif sortColumn

The sortColumn method sets sorting options for a column.

sub_image.gif split The split method unmerges merged table cells.
sub_image.gif splitSelectedRanges The splitSelectedRanges method unmerges cells for all selected ranges.
sub_image.gif undo The undo method cancels the last change in the table.
sub_image.gif undoAll The undoAll method cancels all recent changes in table, the number of which is set by the TabSheet.UndoLength property.
sub_image.gif unsort The unsort method resets sorting in a table.
sub_image.gif update The update method sets a new data source and stores the currently visible table range.


  Event name Brief description
event_image.gif BeforeCopy The BeforeCopy event occurs before copying contents of a cell range.
event_image.gif BeforePaste The BeforePaste event occurs before pasting a text to a table cell.
event_image.gif CellEditorRendered The CellEditorRendered event occurs after rendering the editor that is used to enter value into a cell.
event_image.gif ContainerRendered The ContainerRendered event occurs on table container rerendering.
event_image.gif CoordUnderMouseChanged The CoordUnderMouseChanged event occurs on changing coordinates of the cell under the mouse cursor.
event_image.gif EnabledChanged The EnabledChanged event occurs on changing availability of asynchronous table scrolling.
event_image.gif Edited The Edited event occurs after editing a table cell.
event_image.gif Editing The Editing event occurs on editing a table cell.
event_image.gif EditingEnd The EditingEnd event occurs after editing a table cell.
event_image.gif EditingStart The EditingStart event occurs before editing a table cell.
event_image.gif ExpanderAction The ExpanderAction event occurs on interacting with a table expander.
event_image.gif HeadersMouseDown The HeadersMouseDown event occurs on clicking table row or column headers.
event_image.gif HintChanged The HintChanged event occurs on changing a tooltip defined for a table cells range.
event_image.gif HyperlinkMouseDown The HyperlinkMouseDown event is generated on clicking a hyperlink.
event_image.gif ITabObjectCreating The ITabObjectCreating event occurs on creating a custom object in a table.
event_image.gif MetaChanged The MetaChanged event occurs when a table data source contains no data.
event_image.gif MouseMove The MouseMove event occurs on mouse cursor movement.
event_image.gif ObjectSelectionChanged The ObjectSelectionChanged event occurs on selecting an object in a table.
event_image.gif PictureMouseDown The PictureMouseDown event occurs on clicking an icon using the mouse.
event_image.gif RenderDimComboEditor The RenderDimComboEditor event occurs on rerendering a drop-down menu in a table.
event_image.gif Rendered The Rendered event occurs after table rendering.
event_image.gif Rendering The Rendering event is generated on table rendering.
event_image.gif Rerendered The Rerendered event occurs after rerendering a table.
event_image.gif RowColumnSizeChanged The RowColumnSizeChanged event occurs after resizing table columns and rows.
event_image.gif ScrollChanged The ScrollChanged event occurs on table scrolling.
event_image.gif SelectionBegin The SelectionBegin event occurs when the user starts selecting table cells.
event_image.gif SelectionChanged The SelectionChanged event occurs after the selected table cell range changes.
event_image.gif SelectionChanging The SelectionChanging event occurs during the change of selected cell range in a table.
event_image.gif StyleChanged The StyleChanged event is generated after changing the table style.
event_image.gif TabObjectRender The TabObjectRender event occurs on rerendering an object in a table.

Methods inherited from the class Control

  Method name Brief description
The addClass method adds a CSS class to the component.
addEvent The addEvent method adds an event handler to a DOM node.
addEventHandler The addEventHandler method adds an event handler to a DOM node.
addEvents The addEvents method adds an array of event handlers to a DOM node.
The addStateClass method adds a CSS class to the component and removes the previous CSS class.
addStyleBySelector The addStyleBySelector method creates a block that contains a style with the specified CSS selector.
The addToNode method adds a component to the specified node.
bindEvents The bindEvents method subscribes an element to all available events.
The clearStylesCache method clears cache of component styles.
The getAnchorFlags method returns JSON object that contains settings of the current component's position.
The getClass method returns the current CSS classes of the component.
The getCssStyle method returns style for the specified node.
The getDomNode method returns main DOM node of the component.
The getFocused method determines whether the component is focused.
getFunctionByName The getFunctionByName method returns function by name.
getIsBinded The getIsBinded method returns whether an element is subscribed to all DOM node events.
The hasClass method determines whether the specified CSS class is set for root DOM node of the control.
The hide method hides a control.
The hideToolTip method clears tooltip timeout and hides the tooltip if it is displayed.
The isResingNow method determines whether the component is being resized.
refreshBindingProperty The refreshBindingProperty method refreshes the bound property by name.
refreshItemsStyle The refreshItemsStyle method refreshes CSS styles of child elements.
refreshStyle The refreshStyle method refreshes element CSS styles.
The removeClass method removes CSS class from the component.
The removeEvent method removes event handler from DOM node.
removeEventHandler The removeEventHandler method removes event handler from DOM node.
removeFromDOM The removeFromDOM method removes node from the DOM structure.
The removeStateClasses method removes CSS classes of the component.
The setDraggable method determines whether it is possible to drag component on the HTML page.
The setFocus method sets the component focus.
The setIsHovered method displays the component as on hover.
The setIsPressed method displays the component as if clicked upon.
The setOpacityIE8 method sets component transparency value in Internet Explorer 8.
The setSize method establishes the sizes of the component.
The show method displays a control.
unBindEvents The unBindEvents method unsubscribes an element from all standard events.
The updatePosition method updates size and position when absolute positioning based on the current parameters is used.
The updateSize method updates the component size on changing the size of the container that contains the component.

Events inherited from the class Control

  Event name Brief description
Drag The Drag event occurs on clicking and holding the left mouse button.
DragEnd The DragEnd event occurs when dragging the component finishes.
DragStart The DragStart event occurs when dragging the component starts.
OnContextMenu The OnContextMenu event occurs on calling context menu of the component.
SizeChanged The SizeChanged event occurs after the component is resized.
SizeChanging The SizeChanging event occurs during component resize.

Methods inherited from the class Object

  Method name Brief description
clone The clone method creates an object copy.
dispose The dispose method deletes the component.
getHashCode The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object.
getSettings The getSettings method returns repository object settings.
getTypeName The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs.
isEqual The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object.
isLive The isLive method determines validity of repository object.
removeAllEvents The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context.
setSettings The setSettings method determines repository object settings.
defineProps The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class.
keys The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object.


Working with Table