Namespace: PP.Ui;
The TabSheet class implements a table.
PP.initClass(PP.Ui.TabSheet, PP.Ui.Control, "PP.Ui.TabSheet");
Method name | Brief description | |
addCellControl | The addCellControl method adds a control to the cell with the specified coordinates. | |
addCellToSearchResult | The addCellToSearchResult method adds a cell to search results. | |
addExpander | The addExpander method adds a range expanding button to the top left cell of the range. | |
addFilter | The addFilter method adds a filter for the table column. | |
addObject | The addObject method adds an object to the table. | |
autoColumnWidth | The autoColumnWidth method autofits width of table columns. | |
autoRowHeight | The autoRowHeight method autofits height of table rows. | |
beginUpdate | The beginUpdate method disables rerendering of the table until the endUpdate method is called. | |
calcCoordByOffset | The calcCoordByOffset method returns coordinates that correspond to offset relative to the top right table corner with regards of the cell merge. | |
calcCoordUnderMouse | The calcCoordUnderMouse method returns coordinates of the cell under the current cursor position taking into account merged cells. | |
calcNonSpanCoordByOffset | The calcNonSpanCoordByOffset method returns coordinates that correspond to offset relative to the top right table corner ignoring the cell merge. | |
calcNonSpanCoordUnderMouse | The calcNonSpanCoordUnderMouse method returns coordinates of the cell under the current mouse cursor position, ignoring cell merges. | |
clearChangedCells | The clearChangedCells method clears information on edited table cells. | |
clearRedo | The clearRedo method clears an array of redo commands. | |
clearSearchResult | The clearSearchResult method removes all cells from search results. | |
clearSelection | The clearSelection method removes all selections in a table. | |
clearUndo | The clearUndo method clears an array of undo commands. | |
clearUserEditableRanges | The clearUserEditableRanges method clears an array of cell ranges edited by the user. | |
closeCellEditor | The closeCellEditor method closes the currently active cell editor. | |
convertToExcelFormat | The convertToExcelFormat method converts a cell range to text in table layout format. | |
convertToPlainText | The convertToPlainText method transforms data of a cell range to a plain text. | |
coord | Outdated. Use TabSheet.getCoord. | |
copy | The copy method returns contents of the specified or selected table cell range. | |
cutRange | The cutRange method cuts contents of a table cell range. | |
deleteColumn | The deleteColumn method deletes table columns. | |
deleteColums | The deleteColumns method deletes an array of table columns. | |
deleteRange | The deleteRange method deletes cell ranges in a table. | |
deleteRow | The deleteRow method deletes table rows. | |
deleteRows | The deleteRows method deletes an array of table rows. | |
doEdit | The doEdit method generates event of the Edited table. | |
edit | The edit method switches a cell to edit mode. | |
endUpdate | The endUpdate method enables table rerendering and refreshes it. | |
ensureCellSpanUnderCoordVisibility | The ensureCellSpanUnderCoordVisibility method changes visible table area so that the range of merged cells is displayed. | |
ensureCoordVisibility | The ensureCoordVisibility method changes visible area of the table so that the cell with the specified coordinates is displayed. | |
ensureCurrentSelectionVisibility | The ensureCurrentSelectionVisibility method changes visible table area to show selection. | |
ensureRangeVisibility | The ensureRangeVisibility method changes visible area of the table so that the selected cell range is displayed. | |
getActiveSelectedRange | The getActiveSelectedRange method returns the active selected cell range. | |
getAdjustmentMgr | The getAdjustmentMgr method returns manager that controls resizing of table rows and columns. | |
getCell | The getCell method returns a range that consists of a single cell. | |
getCellControl | The getCellControl method returns a control by coordinates of the cell housing this control. | |
getCellControlIndex | The getCellControlIndex method returns index of a control by coordinates of the cell that houses this control. | |
getCellId | The getCellId method returns identifier of a table cell. | |
getCellNode | The getCellNode method returns DOM element of a table cell. | |
getCellSpanUnderCoord | The getCellSpanUnderCoord method returns a range of merged cells by coordinate of a cell included into this range. | |
getChangedCells | The getChangedCells method returns array of edited cells' data. | |
getChangedData | The getChangedData method returns array of edited data. | |
getClipboardContainsData | The getClipboardContainsData method returns clipboard contents. | |
getColIndexByHeaderText | The getColIndexByHeaderText method returns index of table column by text of column header. | |
getColumnHeaderId | The getColumnHeaderId method returns identifier of a table column header. | |
getColumnHeaderNode | The getColumnHeaderNode method returns DOM element of the column header. | |
getColumnHeaderText | The getColumnHeaderText method returns a table column header. | |
getColumnLeftOffset | The getColumnLeftOffset method returns the starting coordinate of a table column. | |
getContainer | The getContainer method returns DOM element of table container. | |
getContainerId | The getContainerId method returns identifier for DOM element of table container. | |
getCoord | The getCoord method returns cell coordinates by indexes of table row and column. | |
getCoordByNode | The getCoordByNode method returns cell coordinates by its DOM element. | |
getCoordFromString | The getCoordFromString method returns cell coordinates by the specified string view. | |
getCoordInfo | The getCoordInfo method returns an object that contains coordinate info. | |
getCoordUnderMouse | The getCoordUnderMouse method returns the current coordinate under the mouse. | |
getCurrentCellEditor | The getCurrentCellEditor method returns the current active cell editor. | |
getCurrentVisibleCellsRanges | The getCurrentVisibleCellsRanges method returns the currently visible cell range. | |
getCustomFixedBehaviour | The getCustomFixedBehaviour method returns custom behavior determined by the user for fixed table rows and columns on click. | |
getCustomFixedLineColor | The getCustomFixedLineColor method returns user-defined color for the line that separates fixed rows and column from non-fixed rows and columns. | |
getExpanderUnderCoord | The getExpanderUnderCoord method returns expander button by the specified coordinate. | |
getFixedColumnCount | The getFixedColumnCount method returns the number of fixed columns in a table. | |
getFixedRowCount | The getFixedRowCount method returns the number of fixed rows in a table. | |
getGridBorderWidth | The getGridBorderWidth method returns width of table grid. | |
getHeaderCellContentId | The getHeaderCellContentId method returns identifier of column header contents. | |
getHScrollBar | The getHScrollBar method returns horizontal scrollbar element. | |
getHScrollBarId | The getHScrollBarId method returns identifier of the horizontal table scrollbar. | |
getHScrollbarHeight | The getHScrollbarHeight method returns height of horizontal scrollbar in pixels. | |
getIsAsync | The getIsAsync method returns mode of working with a data source. | |
getIsAsyncScrolling | The getIsAsyncScrolling method determines whether component works asynchronously. | |
getIsEditing | The getIsEditing method returns whether table cell is being edited. | |
getJSON | The getJSON method transforms the specified cell range into a JSON object. | |
getLeftmostVisibleColumn | The getLeftmostVisibleColumn method returns the column nearest to the left border of the currently visible table area. | |
getMeasures | The getMeasures method returns table dimensions. | |
getModel | The getModel method returns table data model. | |
getNodeUnderCoord | The getNodeUnderCoord method returns DOM element of the table cell by the specified coordinate. | |
getNonSpanCoordUnderMouse | The getNonSpanCoordUnderMouse method returns current coordinate of the cell under the mouse cursor ignoring merges. | |
getObjectSelection | The getObjectSelection method returns selection object. | |
getRange | The getRange method returns cell range. | |
getRangeFromString | The getRangeFromString method returns cell range by its string view. | |
getRedoChangedData | The getRedoChangedData method returns array of redo commands. | |
getRowHeaderContentId | The getRowHeaderContentId method returns identifier of the table row header contents. | |
getRowHeaderId | The getRowHeaderId method returns identifier of the table row header. | |
getRowHeaderNode | The getRowHeaderNode method returns DOM element of the row header. | |
getRowId | The getRowId method returns identifier of the table row. | |
getRowNode | The getRowNode method returns DOM element of the table row. | |
getRowTopOffset | The getRowTopOffset method returns starting coordinate of the table row. | |
getSelectedCoord | The getSelectedCoord method returns starting coordinates of the selected table range. | |
getSelectedRanges | The getSelectedRanges method returns all selected ranges in the table. | |
getSelection | The getSelection method returns selection object in the table. | |
getSmoothScrollStep | The getSmoothScrollStep method returns smooth scrolling step. | |
getStyleSheet | The getStyleSheet method returns component style settings. | |
getTable | The getTable method returns DOM element of the table. | |
getTableContainer | The getTableContainer method returns DOM element of the table container. | |
getTableContainerId | The getTableContainerId method returns identifier for the DOM element of the table container. | |
getTopmostVisibleRow | The getTopmostVisibleRow method returns the row nearest to the left edge of the currently visible area. | |
getVScrollBar | The getVScrollBar method returns vertical scrollbar element. | |
getVScrollBarContainer | The getVScrollBarContainer method returns DOM element of the vertical scrollbar container. | |
getVScrollBarId | The getVScrollBarId method returns identifier for container of the table vertical scrollbar. | |
getVScrollbarWidth | The getVScrollbarWidth method returns width of the vertical scrollbar in pixels. | |
getVisibleHeight | The getVisibleHeight method returns visible table height in pixels. | |
getVisibleWidth | The getVisibleWidth method returns visible table width in pixels. | |
hasRangesToLoad | The hasRangesToLoad method determines whether there are visible ranges, which data must be loaded from source. | |
hideColumns | The hideColumns method hides table columns. | |
hideRows | The hideRows method hides table rows. | |
insertColumn | The insertColumn method inserts columns into a table. | |
insertRow | The insertRow method inserts rows into a table. | |
isCellSpanVisible | The isCellSpanVisible method determines whether a range of merged cells is within the visible table area. | |
isColInsideVisibleRange | The isColInsideVisibleRange method determines whether a column is inside of the visible range. | |
isColVisible | The isColVisible method determines table column visibility. | |
isColVisibleAndOutsideVisibleRange | The isColVisibleAndOutsideVisibleRange method determines whether a column is hidden, and if it is outside the visible range. | |
isCoordVisible | The isCoordVisible method determines whether a cell with the specified coordinate is visible. | |
isCoordVisibleOrInsideVisibleSpan | The isCoordVisibleOrInsideVisibleSpan method determines whether a range of merged cells is not hidden, and if it is within the visible table range. | |
isLastVisibleColumn | The isLastVisibleColumn method determines whether the specified column is the last visible column. | |
isLastVisibleRow | The isLastVisibleRow method determines whether the specified row is the last visible row. | |
isLoaded | The isLoaded method determines whether a table has been loaded. | |
isRowInsideVisibleRange | The isRowInsideVisibleRange method determines whether a row is inside the visible table range. | |
isRowVisible | The isRowVisible method determines table row visibility. | |
isRowVisibleAndOutsideVisibleRange | The isRowVisibleAndOutsideVisibleRange method determines whether a row is hidden, and if it is outside the visible range. | |
IsTabSheetExpandExist | The IsTabSheetExpandExist method determines whether the table includes groupings. | |
IsTabSheetTabObjectExist | The IsTabSheetTabObjectExist method determines whether the table contains any objects. | |
liteRerender | The liteRerender method rerenders component from cache. | |
loadVisibleRanges | The loadVisibleRanges method loads from source unloaded visible table ranges. | |
merge | The merge method merges table cells in the specified range. | |
mergeSelectedRanges | The mergeSelectedRanges method merges cells for all selected table ranges. | |
parseCellId | The parseCellId method returns cell coordinates by the cell identifier. | |
parsePlainText | The parsePlainText method deserializes text of a table cell range to data source format. | |
paste | The paste method inserts a text to a cell with the specified coordinates. | |
redo | The redo method returns the last change in the table. | |
removeAllCellControl | The removeAllCellControl method removes all controls from table cells. | |
removeCellControl | The removeCellControl method removes a control by coordinates of the cell that houses this control. | |
removeCellControlByIndex | The removeCellControlByIndex method removes a control from a table cell by control index. | |
removeCellFromSearchResult | The removeCellFromSearchResult method removes a cell from search results. | |
removeExpander | The removeExpander method removes expander button from a cell with the specified coordinate. | |
removeFilter | The removeFilter method removes a filter from a table column. | |
removeObject | The removeObject method removes an object from a table. | |
removeUndo | The removeUndo method removes the last table changes. | |
rerender | The rerender method rerenders a component. | |
rerenderDisable | The rerenderDisable method disables table rerendering. | |
rerenderEnable | The rerenderEnable method enables table rerendering. | |
reset | The reset method resets all cache of a component and requests all data from data source. | |
resetCoord | The resetCoord method rerenders a table cell. | |
resetRange | The resetRange method rerenders the specified cell range. | |
scrollHorizontal | The scrollHorizontal method scrolls a table horizontally. | |
scrollToColumn | The scrollToColumn method scrolls a table to the specified column. | |
scrollToColumnAsToLast | The scrollToColumnAsToLast method scrolls a table to the specified column so that this column is the last visible in the table. | |
scrollToPos | The scrollToPos method scrolls the table to the specified row and column. | |
scrollToPosInPx | The scrollToPosInPx method scrolls the table vertically and horizontally to the specified number of pixels. | |
scrollToRange | The scrollToRange method scrolls a table to the specified range. | |
scrollToRow | The scrollToRow method scrolls a table to the specified row. | |
scrollToRowAsToLast | The scrollToRowAsToLast method scrolls a table to the specified row so that this row is the last visible. | |
scrollVertical | The scrollVertical method scrolls a table vertically. | |
select | The select method selects the specified cell range. | |
selectAll | The selectAll method selects all cells in a table. | |
setCellControls | The setCellControls method adds controls to cells with the specified coordinates. | |
setColumnsWidth | The setColumnsWidth method sets new width for table columns. | |
setComment | The setComment method sets a comment for a table cell range. | |
setDataSource | The setDataSource method sets a new data source for a table. | |
setHint | The setHint method changes tooltips set for a table cell range. | |
setCellPictureSettings | The setCellPictureSettings method determines settings for an image shown in table cell. | |
setCellsValues | The setCellsValues method sets new values of table cells based on the specified data array. | |
setClassToRange | The setClassToRange method applies settings of the specified CSS class to cell range. | |
setIsUserEditableRanges | The setIsUserEditableRanges method allows for editing of cell range in the PP.Ui.TabSheetEditMode.UserEnabledCell mode. | |
setPreservedFvCol | The setPreservedFvCol method sets value of saved column index. | |
setPreservedFvRow | The setPreservedFvRow method sets value of saved row index. | |
setRangeEnabled | The setRangeEnabled method controls cell range availability. | |
setRowsHeight | The setRowsHeight method sets height for table rows. | |
setSelectionControlPosition | The setSelectionControlPosition method sets position of the control to be displayed on selecting a table cell. | |
showColumns | The showColumns method displays hidden table columns. | |
showHyperlinksOnRange | The showHyperlinksOnRange method displays contents of table cells as hyperlinks. | |
showRows | The showRows method displays hidden table rows. | |
sort | The sort method sorts table by the specified table columns. | |
sortColumn | The sortColumn method sets sorting options for a column. |
split | The split method unmerges merged table cells. | |
splitSelectedRanges | The splitSelectedRanges method unmerges cells for all selected ranges. | |
undo | The undo method cancels the last change in the table. | |
undoAll | The undoAll method cancels all recent changes in table, the number of which is set by the TabSheet.UndoLength property. | |
unsort | The unsort method resets sorting in a table. | |
update | The update method sets a new data source and stores the currently visible table range. |
Event name | Brief description | |
BeforeCopy | The BeforeCopy event occurs before copying contents of a cell range. | |
BeforePaste | The BeforePaste event occurs before pasting a text to a table cell. | |
CellEditorRendered | The CellEditorRendered event occurs after rendering the editor that is used to enter value into a cell. | |
ContainerRendered | The ContainerRendered event occurs on table container rerendering. | |
CoordUnderMouseChanged | The CoordUnderMouseChanged event occurs on changing coordinates of the cell under the mouse cursor. | |
EnabledChanged | The EnabledChanged event occurs on changing availability of asynchronous table scrolling. | |
Edited | The Edited event occurs after editing a table cell. | |
Editing | The Editing event occurs on editing a table cell. | |
EditingEnd | The EditingEnd event occurs after editing a table cell. | |
EditingStart | The EditingStart event occurs before editing a table cell. | |
ExpanderAction | The ExpanderAction event occurs on interacting with a table expander. | |
HeadersMouseDown | The HeadersMouseDown event occurs on clicking table row or column headers. | |
HintChanged | The HintChanged event occurs on changing a tooltip defined for a table cells range. | |
HyperlinkMouseDown | The HyperlinkMouseDown event is generated on clicking a hyperlink. | |
ITabObjectCreating | The ITabObjectCreating event occurs on creating a custom object in a table. | |
MetaChanged | The MetaChanged event occurs when a table data source contains no data. | |
MouseMove | The MouseMove event occurs on mouse cursor movement. | |
ObjectSelectionChanged | The ObjectSelectionChanged event occurs on selecting an object in a table. | |
PictureMouseDown | The PictureMouseDown event occurs on clicking an icon using the mouse. | |
RenderDimComboEditor | The RenderDimComboEditor event occurs on rerendering a drop-down menu in a table. | |
Rendered | The Rendered event occurs after table rendering. | |
Rendering | The Rendering event is generated on table rendering. | |
Rerendered | The Rerendered event occurs after rerendering a table. | |
RowColumnSizeChanged | The RowColumnSizeChanged event occurs after resizing table columns and rows. | |
ScrollChanged | The ScrollChanged event occurs on table scrolling. | |
SelectionBegin | The SelectionBegin event occurs when the user starts selecting table cells. | |
SelectionChanged | The SelectionChanged event occurs after the selected table cell range changes. | |
SelectionChanging | The SelectionChanging event occurs during the change of selected cell range in a table. | |
StyleChanged | The StyleChanged event is generated after changing the table style. | |
TabObjectRender | The TabObjectRender event occurs on rerendering an object in a table. |
Method name | Brief description | |
The addClass method adds a CSS class to the component. | ||
addEvent | The addEvent method adds an event handler to a DOM node. | |
addEventHandler | The addEventHandler method adds an event handler to a DOM node. | |
addEvents | The addEvents method adds an array of event handlers to a DOM node. | |
The addStateClass method adds a CSS class to the component and removes the previous CSS class. | ||
addStyleBySelector | The addStyleBySelector method creates a block that contains a style with the specified CSS selector. | |
The addToNode method adds a component to the specified node. | ||
bindEvents | The bindEvents method subscribes an element to all available events. | |
The clearStylesCache method clears cache of component styles. | ||
The getAnchorFlags method returns JSON object that contains settings of the current component's position. | ||
The getClass method returns the current CSS classes of the component. | ||
The getCssStyle method returns style for the specified node. | ||
The getDomNode method returns main DOM node of the component. | ||
The getFocused method determines whether the component is focused. | ||
getFunctionByName | The getFunctionByName method returns function by name. | |
getIsBinded | The getIsBinded method returns whether an element is subscribed to all DOM node events. | |
The hasClass method determines whether the specified CSS class is set for root DOM node of the control. | ||
The hide method hides a control. | ||
The hideToolTip method clears tooltip timeout and hides the tooltip if it is displayed. | ||
The isResingNow method determines whether the component is being resized. | ||
refreshBindingProperty | The refreshBindingProperty method refreshes the bound property by name. | |
refreshItemsStyle | The refreshItemsStyle method refreshes CSS styles of child elements. | |
refreshStyle | The refreshStyle method refreshes element CSS styles. | |
The removeClass method removes CSS class from the component. | ||
The removeEvent method removes event handler from DOM node. | ||
removeEventHandler | The removeEventHandler method removes event handler from DOM node. | |
removeFromDOM | The removeFromDOM method removes node from the DOM structure. | |
The removeStateClasses method removes CSS classes of the component. | ||
The setDraggable method determines whether it is possible to drag component on the HTML page. | ||
The setFocus method sets the component focus. | ||
The setIsHovered method displays the component as on hover. | ||
The setIsPressed method displays the component as if clicked upon. | ||
The setOpacityIE8 method sets component transparency value in Internet Explorer 8. | ||
The setSize method establishes the sizes of the component. | ||
The show method displays a control. | ||
unBindEvents | The unBindEvents method unsubscribes an element from all standard events. | |
The updatePosition method updates size and position when absolute positioning based on the current parameters is used. | ||
The updateSize method updates the component size on changing the size of the container that contains the component. |
Event name | Brief description | |
Drag | The Drag event occurs on clicking and holding the left mouse button. | |
DragEnd | The DragEnd event occurs when dragging the component finishes. | |
DragStart | The DragStart event occurs when dragging the component starts. | |
OnContextMenu | The OnContextMenu event occurs on calling context menu of the component. | |
SizeChanged | The SizeChanged event occurs after the component is resized. | |
SizeChanging | The SizeChanging event occurs during component resize. |
Method name | Brief description | |
clone | The clone method creates an object copy. | |
dispose | The dispose method deletes the component. | |
getHashCode | The getHashCode method returns hash code of repository object. | |
getSettings | The getSettings method returns repository object settings. | |
getTypeName | The getTypeName method returns the name of the object type without the namespace, to which it belongs. | |
isEqual | The isEqual method determines whether the specified object is equal to the current repository object. | |
isLive | The isLive method determines validity of repository object. | |
removeAllEvents | The removeAllEvents method removes all object event handlers by the specified context. | |
setSettings | The setSettings method determines repository object settings. | |
defineProps | The defineProps method creates get and set methods from name array for the specified class. | |
keys | The keys method returns array of methods and properties names for the specified object. |