Example of the Scales List Setup

The page gives an example of setting up a list of map scales in JSON format.

NOTE. When XML is automatically converted to JSON, the "@" character, which does not need to be removed, appears before attributes.

"ItemsDictionary" :


//The item must be preceded by description of a tooltip.

   "MapScale" :



        "Items" : "{solid1 solid2 solid3 solid4 solid5 solid6}",//of the brushes list

        "Mode" : "Linear",

        "EnableEquality" : "False",

        "TypeArguments" : "Brush",

        "Id" : "AreaVisualScale"



        "Items": "Red Green Blue Yellow Transparent",

        "TypeArguments": "Color",

        "Id": "BarVisualScale_color",

        "NoData" : "Gray",

        "EnableEquality" : "False",

        "Values": "1 2 3 4"



        "Items": "4 10 12 15 18 20 22 25 28 30 35 40 43 50",

        "NoData": "0.0",

        "TypeArguments": "Double",

        "Id": "BarVisualScale",

        "EnableEquality": "false"



//It is typically followed by description of dependency objects


See also:

MapScale Item